Chapter 53

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Gemma's P.O.V
I pace anxiously back and forth as I wait for the others to return from finding Lamson. My arm is crossed over my chest and I bite at my thumbnail, my eyes flickering to the door every couple of seconds. I hear the sound of footsteps and look up to see Tyreese walk through the door. He looks around for a moment before speaking, "Are they back yet?"

Noah shakes his head, "No."

Tyreese looks back worried before making his way over to Sasha. I keep pacing and glancing at the door, my stomach twisting into knots in worry. I hear more footsteps and I look up and sigh in relief, rushing to the door. I throw myself at Daryl and his arms wrap around my waist, holding me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe." I breathe.

He just buries his head in my neck and holds me tightly for a little while longer. After awhile, we pull apart and walk back over to the others, waiting for Rick to return. I glance over at the doorway and see Rick stride through, I relax instantly. As he walks, Daryl and I make our way over to him, waiting for him to speak.

"He wouldn't stop." Rick states.

"Does this change things?" Daryl asks.

"It has too." Rick shakes his head, looking over at the other cops.

Daryl looks down in concentration for a moment, "Maybe not."

"She said the plan won't work, the guy who did is dead. Maybe we gotta rethink this." Rick argues.

"They also said the cop in charge didn't have any love for him. Maybe you did her a favour?" Daryl says.

"I don't know if they'll play ball." Rick states.

"Let's find out." I say, making my way back towards the others.

"He was a good man." The woman says.

I raise my eyebrow as she continues speaking, "He was attacked by rotters, I saw it go down."

Rick look at her, "Huh, you're a damn good liar."

"We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters, that's the story." She says.

"You said the trade was a bad idea, what changed?" Daryl asks.

"Lamson was our shot, so it's this or you go in guns blazing right? You don't want that." The woman replies.

"This some bullshit you wanna spin when things go south." Daryl growls.

"I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you." She pleads.

Rick turns to the asshole and I glare at him, "What about you? You wanna live? How much?"

He looks at Rick for a moment, "Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us, this will tip things against her. No, it will. She'll see this trade is a rip off if she thinks you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lamson got ate by rotters."

Rick turns and looks between me and Daryl and I nod my head in agreement.


I stand on top of the parking garage, looking down the scope of my gun. The wind is whooshing around us and goosebumps rise on my skin. I see the cop car drive below us and I keep my gun aimed at it. Daryl snaps his fingers together and Tyreese talks to Rick through the walkies. I see Rick below as he turns to face the arriving car, our make shift flag flying in the wind.

The car pulls up and Rick walks forward with his arms raised as they get out of the car. He begins to speak as they aim their guns at him. Rick reaches and pulls his gun out of its holster, placing it on the ground in front of him. I aim my gun at the man who is to the left, lowering his gun slightly. My heart beats furiously in my chest as I wait for them to make the deal.

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