Chapter 36

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Gemma's P.O.V
"I'm really nervous." I say, fiddling with my hands.

"Why? You've been with Daryl for nine months or so. You've spent every single day with each other, it's not going to be much different." Karen says, fixing my hair.

"Yeah but it is different, I'm becoming someone's wife." I argue.

"I get it, I mean I felt weird at first when Glenn and I got married. It is different, but a good different." Maggie says, applying a little bit of makeup.

"You'll be fine, you and Daryl love each other." Beth says, patting my hand.

I hold it for support, "Thank you, I know this must be hard-"

She shakes her head, "I'm fine. This is your day."

"And your day is about to begin so let's hurry up!" Carol says, walking in holding a bunch of blue wildflowers.

"Found these in these fields, thoughts they'd be good." She says, handing them to me.

I smile up at her, "Thankyou."

"Well hairs done, make up's done. Blue flowers, borrowed make-up, same old jeans and boots and a new sweater. You're done!" Michonne says.

"Here, have a look." Beth says, holding up a small mirror.

I hold the small broken mirror in my hand and look. My make up is natural, highlighted by the soft braided bun at the nape of my neck. My bright emerald eyes pop out by my mahogany hair, completed with glossy lips. I smile, happy with what I see. I'm wearing my usual combat boots and washed jeans with a white singlet. The sweater we found a couple of weeks ago that runs to my fingertips with a woven design.

"Thank you all so much." I say, tearing up.

"Stop crying, you'll ruin it." Karen laughs.

I chuckle and hug them all, "Love you all."

"Love you too." They chorus.

We pull apart and they all walk out of the cell to take their places in the crowd or standing up. I sniff the flowers, the scent welcomed on my lungs.

"Knock knock."

"Come in."

The curtain opens and Carl stands there, smiling widely at me, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You ready?" I ask, walking to him.

He nods his head, "You?"

I smile, "I'm ready."

He holds his arm out and I slip it through his, Carl being as tall as me now. We walk down the corridors towards the back quad area where the wedding is taking place. We decided we wanted a small ceremony, just our original group. We reach the door to the quad and Carl gives me a smile before opening it.

The light isn't harsh, but welcoming against my skin. We walk down the steps and I see everyone turn to face us. Carl leads me down the steps and we walk the short distance to the makeshift aisle. I see Tyreese holding Karen around the waist, smiling happily at me at the back. We turn and I look forward and smile brightly at I see him. Daryl wears his jeans and boots, with his black sleeveless top and vest. A small smile plays on his lips as I walk closer.

Behind him are Rick and Glenn, who look on with smiles on their faces. I look at Rick and he gives me a nod and I nod back. On my side are Michonne and Maggie, waiting for me to take my place in front of them. Hershel stands in front of Daryl holding his bible in his hands, looking at me with pride. Carl stops and let's me go, taking his seat by Carol and Beth. I walk forward and stand beside Daryl, taking his hand in mine. He gives it a gentle squeeze and I hold it tightly as Hershel begins to speak.

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