Chapter 15

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Gemma's P.O.V
I stumble out of the bar, what seems like hours later and walk toward Liza. I clutch the second bottle in my hand, it half empty already. I drunkenly climb onto the horse after untying her and slowly make my way back towards the farm.

"Now, listen here Liza. Let's not do any galloping okay?" I say, hiccuping throughout the process
Unfortunately she does the exact opposite and runs home, with me trying not to throw up in the process. We reach the gate and she slows to a stop and I climb down, my foot getting stuck in the saddle.

"Fucking hell." I say, eventually getting it out.

I open the gate and walk her forward, shutting it behind. I try to climb back on and after a couple of attempts I succeed. I take another swig from the bottle and shout, "Hi-ho silver, away!"

She rushes forward up the driveway, the house becoming clearer as we approach. I look and see there's no one around, but I hear gunshots from near the barn.

"Let's go have a looksy Liza." I say.

We walk towards the barn and the shooting has stopped. I stop by the gate with no one notching me and see the bodies or a dozen or so walkers on the ground.

"Holy shit." I whisper.

Soon I hear some more groaning and I look up at the barn to see another one exit. A collective gasp echoes through the group and Carol rushes forward screaming. Daryl catches her with ease and holds her back from her daughter. Sophia stumbles forward towards the group, towards her next meal. I can feel the tension is the group, the overwhelming sadness. Rick walks forward, drawing his gun at her. He aims it at her head and pulls the trigger, her body falling to the ground.

Carol's cries fill the air as people stand in horror about what happened. Daryl stand up Carol and tries to help her, but she pushes him away and runs towards the RV. Her tear stricken face looks up at me for a moment before rushing past. Beth is crying as she runs towards the pile of dead, I'm assuming must be her mother. The walker reaches up to bite her and the others rush to her and fight it off, Andrea killing it.

Hershel and his family cradle one another and begin to walk away. The group turn around and see me seated in shock on top of the horse.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Shane yells, rushing towards me.

The shock disparate sand turns to anger when I see him, "I don't think it's any of your damn business."

"Are you drunk?" Rick asks, eyeing the bottle in my hand.

"So what if I am?" I say, attempting to climb down the horse.

I slip on the saddle and fall to the ground, landing on my ass, "Fuck."

Shane rushes forward and tries to help me to stand, "Get you're fucking hands off me asshole!" I scream.

I rise drunkenly to my feet and dust myself off, seeing everyone look at me with disapproving looks.

"What y'all staring at? You ain't got no right to judge me!" I yell, turning to walk away.

I hobble forward, my ankle hurting from the way I landed. I hear someone walking towards me but I ignore them, bottle still clutched in hand. I feel the person grab my wrist and spin me around to face them.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Daryl yells in my face.

"You think you can just disappear without telling anyone?!" He continues.

I attempt to pull my arm out of his grasp, "Hershel knew where I was."

"He said you went to town but you've been gone for hours. I was about to send out a damned search team to find you!"

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