Chapter 72

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Gemma's P.O.V
I put the final stitch into the little boy's knee and place a band-aid over the cut. I look up from my work and meet his deep brown eyes.

"Now Rylan, be careful when playing chases on the road." I scold lightly.

"Yes Mrs Dixon." He replies, nodding his head.

"Okay, you can go now." I say, wheeling my chair back.

He jumps down from the bed and rushes out of the room to go play with his friends. I grab the rubbish and stand up, tossing my gloves and rubbish into the bin by the door. I walk down the halls of the makeshift clinic to the office, Pete's old office. It feels weird being in here but I shake of the feeling. I sit down at the desk and begin to sort through the papers that were left on the desk.

As I look through I sort them into piles. There are sheets about the supplies in stock, things we need more of, things we haven't got yet. Others are random writings that Pete must have made over his time here. I hear a knock at the door and look up, surprised at who I see.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Morgan says, standing at the doorway.

I place the papers on the desk, "That's fine, please come in." I say, gesturing to the chair in front of the desk.

Morgan walks in and slowly takes a seat in the chair in front of the desk. He looks around the office with a small smile on his face, "This place is incredible."

"Yeah it is." I say, having a look myself.

"You're very lucky to have found this place." He states.

"Yeah, well it was all luck. If it weren't for Aaron, we would probably be stuck out on our own, trying to survive." I muse.

He looks around once more and I sit forward in my chair, "I just want to say thank you."

"What for?" He asks.

"Daryl told me what you did, that he wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. You saved his life and I am eternally grateful for it. If he had died, I don't think I could survive without him." I say, tearing up slightly.

He smiles at me, "All life is precious, I had to save them."

I wipe my eyes, "Regardless, thank you for saving my husband."

He nods and I sit back in my chair, "Did you have a reason for coming?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No, I was just looking around the place. Getting a feel of the community."

I nod my hand, "I understand, it's an incredible set up here. Deanna and Reg did a wonderful job." I say, thinking of the older couple.

"That they did." Morgan says whimsically.

"Gemma?" I hear a voice call out.

"In here!" I call back.

I hear footsteps and look up to see Aaron and Eric in the doorway, "Just coming for my checkup." Eric smiles brightly at me.

I turn to Morgan, "I'm sorry Morgan, I've got to take this."

He shakes his head, "It's fine, I'll see myself out."

"It was lovely meeting you." I smile.

"You too." He smiles back.

He gets out of the chair and makes his way past Aaron and Eric, murmuring a hello. I turn to the men in front of me, "Let's take you to one of the examination rooms."

We walk down the hall and I switch the light on, dragging over a chair to the bed side. Aaron helps ease Eric onto the bed before taking a seat beside him, holding one of Eric's hands in both of his.

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