Chapter 4

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Gemma's P.O.V
A plate of steaming scrambled eggs on toast and bacon is placed before me by T-Dog, who has a large smile on his face. He was happy because this was the first time he'd been able to cook with a stove in who knows how long. Around the table sit Carl and Lori, Dale, myself and a very hungover Glenn. His head is placed in his hands and he groans loudly, drinking his coffee slowly.

"Doc, please tell me there's something else you can give me besides these pills." He moans, looking at me and gesturing to the pill bottles.

I pick up my coffee and take a sip, "Sorry Glenn, but hopefully a nice greasy breakfast will do the trick. Also drink plenty of water."

He groans and lays his head on the table in defeat. I hear the sounds of footsteps and look up to see Rick enter the room, who also seems to be suffering from a hangover. A few people mingle in behind him, getting their morning coffees and breakfast.

"Morning." He says, his voice gravely.

"Are you hungover?" Carl asks, earning the attention of everyone in the room.

"Mom said you'd be." He continues, staring at his father.

Rick takes a seat beside Lori, "Mom is right."

"Mom has that annoying habit." She mutters.

"Eggs. Powered but I do them good." T-Dog boasts as Glenn groans aloud.

"Bet you can't tell. Protein helps the hangover." He says, spooning it onto Glenn's plate.

"Where'd all this come from?" Rick asks, picking up the pills.

"I thought you could use, well at least some of you." I chuckle, looking at Glenn.

"Don't ever, ever, ever let me drink again." Glenn moans as Jacqui rubs his shoulders.

"Hey." Shane says, as he walks towards the coffee.

"Hey, do you feel as bad as I do?" Rick asks, drinking juice.

"Worse." He mutters.

I look up and see Lori looking at her plate. She glances up and I give her a reassuring smile and she nods her head. I continue eating my breakfast when I hear the door open, seeing Daryl walk in. He glances at me and I death stare him for a moment before returning to my breakfast. After a moment I feel a hand on my shoulder and a kiss on my cheek, I look up to see dad.

"Morning Dad." I say, kissing his cheek.

"Morning Gem. Morning everyone!" He calls out, which everyone returns as he gets his coffee.

"Doctor I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing." Dale says.

"But you will anyway." Dad says, pouring his drink.

"We didn't come here for the eggs." Andrea says, facing my dad.

Dad turns and looks at the eager faces of the group and his eyes land on me. I swallow my mouth full of food and grab my plate, taking it to the sink.

"Of course. After breakfast we'll talk." He says, taking my seat.

I begin to wash everyone's plates as they talk about various different things, but I don't pay attention. As I clean I hum to myself one of my mothers favourite songs, lost in my own world.

"Can we talk?"

I drop the plate from my hand into the sink, water flying everywhere. I clutch at my chest and calm my breathing and turn to look at the person who disturbed me. Daryl stands there with his plate in hand, smirking at my reaction. I glare at him and turn back to the dishes, ignoring him completely as he places his dish on the pile.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now