Chapter 25

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Gemma's P.O.V
"Okay let's get the other car in. Park it near the west entry of the yard." Rick commands.

"Good the vehicle out there looked like a large vacancy sign." Daryl says.

"We need to load up these corpses and burn them." Rick points to the lifeless corpses littering the prison yard.

"It's gonna be a long day." T-Dog mutters as we begin to work.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol says, getting out of the car.

"Up in the guard tower." Daryl points towards one of the towers.

I chuckle as Rick looks over, "Guard tower? They were just up their last night."

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl calls out.

There is a movement in the guard tower window and soon the door opens. Glenn steps out with his shirt off and doing up his belt buckle.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Glenn calls.

We all chuckle as Daryl teases them, "You coming?"

I cover my mouth with my hand at the innuendo as Glenn calls back, "What?"

"You coming?" He repeats.

Glenn looks to Maggie confused before Daryl calls out, "Come on, we could use a hand!"

"Yeah, we'll be right down!" He calls.

They go to turn and cover my eyes to look towards the couple, "Hey Glenn!"

"What?" He calls frustrated.

"Nothing, just admiring the view! Carry on!" I yell and turn back.

The others laugh and I catch Daryl raising his eyebrow at me, I smirk at him and give him a wink. No one knew about what happened yesterday but us and we wanted to keep it that way. Daryl played it cool, however I think people noticed something was up with me by the large smile on my face.

"Hey Rick." T-dog calls.

We all turn and look in the direction he is looking. In the distance the two remaining prisoners stand by the fence of the courtyard, looking down at us. Rick begins to storm towards them, "Come with me."

We walk up the drive towards the inmates who look on us with apprehension.

"That's close enough. We had an agreement." Rick says.

"Please Mister, we know that. We made a deal, but you gotta understand we can't live in that place another minute. You follow me?" The smaller, weasely looking one speaks.

"All the bodies, people we knew. Blood, brains everywhere, there's ghosts." He continues.

"Why didn't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asks.

"Should be burning them." T-Dog states.

"We tried! We did." He explains.

"Fences down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. We end up just dropping the body and running back inside." The larger man explains.

"Look we got nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew, nothing! You trying to prove a point, you proved it bro! We'll do whatever it takes to be apart of your crew, just please, please... Don't make us live in that place." The weasel begs.

"Our deal is non-negotiable. You either live in your cell block or you leave." Rick states.

"I told you this was a waste of time. They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw them out like... These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes of the joint, like Tomas and Andrew. Now we've all made mistakes to get in here chief and I'm not going to pretend to be a saint. But believe me, we've paid our due. Enough that we would rather hit that road, than to go back into that shit whole." The larger man says.

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