Chapter 38

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Gemma's P.O.V
"Hershel?" I call out.

"In here Gemma." He says from his cell.

I move the curtain out of the way and see him sitting on his bed, reading his bible. He looks up from the book to me, "What can I do you for?"

I lean against the wall, "I was thinking I would go help Caleb set up the cell block. I've got nothing else to do and I want to contribute."

He closes the book and nods his head, "That would be a good idea. We are gonna need all hands on deck."

I nod my head, "I guess I'll go there now."

I turn and leave the cell and make my way to cell block A to find Caleb. The door is open and I walk in to see him sliding a box under a bed.


He turns and looks at me startled, "Gemma, I didn't expect anyone."

"I thought I'd put myself to use and help you out in here." I say, looking around.

"That's very kind of you, but I don't want to risk you to the exposure." He says, sitting on the bed.

"It's fine, you can't do it on your own." I press.

"Gemma there are only two cases, I think I'll be fine." He argues.

I feel the cough begin to form in my chest and I try to suppress it but it comes out. I lean over and cough into my hand so that the germ doesn't spread.

"Oh my God Gemma. You have it?" He asks, walking towards me.

"Stay back." I say, holding my hand out.

"We need to put you with Karen and David. We need to tell the others." He says.

"No! I'm more helpful out here. Just let me stay in this cell block and I'll set everything up with you, that way I'm helping and I'm not around anyone except you." I say, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know, maybe we should tell someone-"

"Please don't tell anyone, especially Daryl. If they know, I can't help you and you need someone else in here." I explain.

He looks at me with uncertain eyes, "Caleb, I'm already exposed. Please, let me help the only way I can."

He looks at me for a moment before nodding his head, "Fine, help me set up the rooms. I want the beds made so that they'll be ready for whoever comes in."

I nod my head and make my way up the stairs to the first cell. I get into the room and see the sheets and blankets on the bed and begin to make the beds.


I lay my head on the man's chest and listen for a heartbeat, not finding one. I look back at Hershel and Caleb, shaking my head. They sigh in sadness and I pull out my knife, sinking it into his head. I sigh and stand up, and wobble on my feet.

"Gemma?!" Hershel asks worried.

Caleb walks forward and grips my arm, "I told you that you need to rest. You've been working too hard."

"I'm not gonna sit around in here and do nothing. We've already had three people walk in today and had six yesterday. You can't look after them by yourself." I say, leaning against him.

I look over at Hershel who stares at me in horror, "You've got it."

I nod my head and begin to cough and he steps forward, "Hershel, don't. I'm not letting you get sick. I need you to stay outside and make sure everyone is okay. But most of all, I need you to make sure that Daryl does not find out I'm sick."

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