Chapter 13

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Gemma's P.O.V
The silence around the table is deafening as we eat the meal Lori, Carol and Hershel's girls prepared. Nobody speaks, just looks exchanged over the table. The truce that Andrea and I had established is severed and every time out eyes meet, I glare at her. When I had eventually walked out of Daryl's room, she was waiting for me. I was so mad I began to scream at her, having to be held back by Shane and Rick.

I sit beside Shane at the dinner table, blocking me away from Andrea who was at the other end. I barely taste the meal as I eat, focused more on checking to see how Daryl is. The medication will wear off soon and he will be awake, which I intend to be there for. I knew that I could never tell Daryl how I feel, knowing full well I'll only end up with my heartbroken but I knew I couldn't stay away.

"Does anybody know how to play guitar?" Glenn asks.

He is sitting at the 'Kid's Table' with Maggie, Beth and Jimmy because there was no room at the main table. Everyone looks around in silence as no one answers even though I can play.

"Dale found a cool one. Somebody's gotta know how to play." He laughs.

"Otis did." Patricia say quietly.

"Yes and he was very good too." Hershel says.

Carol stands up from the table and walks into the kitchen as everyone continues eating their meals. I look down at the meat and vegetables, trying not to think about my earlier revelation. I stab my fork into the potato and try as quickly as I can to finish my meal.

Once I'm done, I excuse myself and scrape the remaining food into the bin and rinse the plate off. I quickly head down the hall towards Daryl's room to see the door already open. I walk and see Carol bend down, kissing Daryl on the head. I stop in my tracks and freeze, an irrational wave of jealously overcoming me.

I turn around and head back towards the group who are packing up dinner. I walk directly to Shane and lean up to whisper in his ear.

"I need a distraction."

He turns and looks at me for a moment before smirking. He places his dish on the sink and I grasp his hand, dragging him through the back door. We walk till we are behind the chicken coup and I push him against the wall, peeling his shirt away.

"You better have protection." I say, kissing along his chest.

"Found some more before we left the highway." He says, his fingers in my hair.

"Good." I say, pulling at his belt buckle.

His hands stop me and I look into his eyes, "What?"

"Are you okay? You seem angry." He says.

"I'm fine." I say, pulling at it again.

"Are you sure because-" He begins.

"Do you wanna do this or not?" I cut him off.

He looks at me for a moment before turning us around, so my back is against the wall. He removes my shirt, well Daryl's shirt and tosses it on the ground as he begins to kiss along my chest. I look up in the sky and the images of Carol and Daryl spring to mind, making me more angry.

I pull his lips back up to mine and begin to remove his pants, reaching in his pocket for a condom. I pull it out and tear it open, passing it to him. I pull my jeans and underwear down to my ankles, pulling them over my boots. Shane grips my hips and lifts me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He quickly inserts himself and thrusts hard.

I gasp at the sensation as he continues what's he's doing. I can't help but let my mind wonder to Daryl and what it would feel like with him. How it would feel to have his arms around me and the feel of him inside of me. My thoughts are broken when Shane kisses my neck and I feel myself begin to let go, crying out into the air. He grunts and releases, his breathing loud and heavy.

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