Chapter 45

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Gemma's P.O.V
We walk through the abandoned town, our guns aimed and our eyes peeled. Sasha and Bob walk behind me with Rick and Michonne by my side, Gabriel in front. Rick stares into the distance his face hard and focused as he watches. I bump my shoulder against his and he turns to look at me, his eyes still hard.

"I want to apologise." I whisper so only he can hear.

"What for?" He asks, looking out again.

"I'm sorry for mentioning Lori." I say.

His shoulders tense and his jaw clenches as I continue, "It was stupid of me, a low blow, to bring her up."

He remains quiet and looks away but I push on, "I know that you are still dealing with her loss and for me to bring it up was wrong."

I sigh and look forward, "I just needed you both to know that no matter what, I'm not going to stop protecting and providing for this group. You all accepted me when I had nowhere else to go. You found out my secrets and didn't cast me aside like so many would." I say, thinking of my parents, Zach and Randal.

"Without you and Daryl, I would have died a long time ago. But you both gave me life, even if I didn't want it. At first it took some getting used to but people like you, Daryl..." I breathe shakily before I continue, "Dale, Hershel, Andrea, Beth and everyone else made me feel welcomed, like I belonged."

Out of the corner of my eye I see him looking down at me, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that... You are my family, Daryl is my family, Carl and Judith are my family. Everyone in this group is my family and no matter what happens, I know all of you will help me through this."

I wipe my eyes and sniffle quietly before I grip the gun tightly in my hand. I walk forward and look around a corner to see no walkers there. I nod my head for us to continue when I hear Bob speak to Rick, "Hey. You said they don't get to live, you weren't wrong."

He pauses before speaking, "We push ourselves to let things go, then we let some more and pretty soon we can't get these things back. Things we couldn't hold on to even if we tried. Washington's gonna happen Rick."

"I haven't decided if we're going." Rick states.

"No, that's cool. But you've seen Abraham in action. He's gonna get there and Eugene's gonna cure this and you're gonna find yourself in a place where it's gonna be like it used to be. And if you let too much go along the way, that's not gonna work cause you're gonna be back in the real world." Bob explains.

"This is the real world Bob." Rick says, looking around.

"Nah, this is a nightmare, nightmares end. I'm sorry, I'm calling it. Washington's gonna happen, you're gonna say yes. Already too much momentum, you can't fight city hall. Maybe that's just one of those parts that won't let go." Bob smiles.

We look around a corner and a revolting stench wafts in our direction in the wind. The others turn their noses in disgust while I crouch down, trying not to be sick.

"Are you alright?" Michonne asks worried.

I nod my head and cover my mouth, "I'm trying not to be sick."

"What is that?" Sasha asks.

"Earlier on, just after it all happened, the army came through and wiped out nearly everybody. The people who were grieving, laid them out in the town square for memorium. They were never moved." Gabriel explains as he begins to cross the road. Michonne helps me up and we follow closely behind.

"We're here. This was the food bank, it served the whole county. All the cans at my church were gonna end up here." Gabriel explains.

I look at the white brick face building and read the sign, 'McQuarrie Family Services. Food Bank & Thrift Shop'. Out front of the building is littered with rubbish, creating a bad smell on top of the stench. I hold back the bile and aim my gun as we enter inside. Michonne opens the door and Rick enters first, with us followed closely behind. We walk through the abandoned building and see furniture over turned, rubbish on the floor and clothes strewn everywhere.

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