Chapter 8

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Gemma's P.O.V
We stand around the hood of the car, covered with a map and weapons. Rick stands at the base of the car with his police uniform, organising what everyone was to do. Today we were all supposed to go out and search for Sophia. The more people went out, the more ground to cover. T-Dog is staying behind because of his arm and Dale is staying behind to fix the RV.

"Everyone takes a weapon." Rick commands, gesturing to the weapons on the hood.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea asks.

I roll my eyes at her stupidity as Shane speaks, "Haven't we been over that? Daryl, Rick and I are carrying. Can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles."

"It's not the trees I'm worried about." She comments.

"Say someone happens to be firing at the wrong time, a herd happens to be passing by. Then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Shane says, putting on a backpack.

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek, it's her only land mark." Daryl explains to us.

"Stay quiet, stay sharp. Keep space between you but always keep sight of each other." Rick instructs, walking towards Dale.

"Everyone assemble your packs." Shane commands.

I walk towards the hood of the car and grab my machete from yesterday, also grabbing the sheath for it. I attach the sheath to my belt so it lays down my leg with easy access. I also have a couple of knife stashed in my boot and belt as back ups.

I walk over to T-Dog, who leans against the side of the RV. I approach him and stop in front of him, "You will not strain yourself today. If you bust those stitches, I'll make sure you don't get the pain meds after I fix it back up, got it?"

He looks at with a small smirk, "Deal Doc."

I smile and pat his arm, "I'll check up on you later."

I turn and walk towards the rest of the others who are gathered by the side of the road. Rick and Lori discuss something before heading over, with Carl by their side. Andrea walks over to Dale and begins arguing, creating an awkward tension within the group. I turn away and walk towards the tree line, sick of hearing about her problems.

Soon after everyone walks into the woods, with Daryl and Rick taking the lead. Everyone spreads out in between with Shane covering the back. I take my place as far as I can from Andrea, just behind Glenn and in front of Carl and Lori. We all walk in silence, our eyes peeled for any signs of the little girl.

I hear Carl begin to talk Shane, with Shane snapping at him quickly. I glance back and notice Carl's downcast expression as Lori ushers him forward. I hold back until I'm near Shane, who looks around carefully.

"That was a bit harsh." I say.

"The kid needs to know this isn't a game. We are looking for Sophia and he needs to keep it down." He points out.

"Don't take out your anger on him is all I'm saying." I say, walking further ahead of him.

"Why are you wearing Daryl's shirt?" Shane asks, eyeing the article of clothing.

I look down and realise that in fact it is Daryl's shirt he handed to me, "I don't have another shirt and he gave me this one. You ruined my other one."

He smirks and looks ahead as we follow the group. Soon enough we reach a small clearing in the woods with a tent set up. Daryl gestures for us to be quiet and approach carefully. We walk towards the tent and stand back at a distance as Daryl approaches the tent. He holds the crossbow in front of him, the muscles tensing under his arms. Shane and Rick are close behind and he gestures something to them. He pulls the knife out of his belt and walks towards the tent, inspecting it carefully.

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