Chapter 2

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Gemma's P.O.V
He nods his head and I rush up the ramp, grabbing one of the guns as a precaution. Dad walks up behind me and grabs one for himself before we take the elevator up to the entrance. The ride is slow and awkward between the two of us.

"Gem, about before-"

"Let's not discuss this right now." I say as the elevator comes to a stop.

The doors open and we quietly make out way towards the doors, where we hear yelling and talking. We see them before they see us and we quickly cock our guns, aiming it in their direction. They look up at the sound and point their guns towards us in retaliation.

"Is anybody infected?" Dad yells.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." The cop says.

I roll my eyes at his comment, clearly he didn't understand the question. My eyes trail over the group and I see that they are quite large. My eyes land on a man in the back, with a sleeveless shirt on, his gun aimed at me.

"Why're you here? What do you want?" Dad asks, stepping forward with me behind him.

"A chance." The cop says.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." I say.

The cop looks at me, "I know."

I glance at dad and see him look back at me, I give him a reassuring nod.

He turns back to the group, "You all submit to a blood test, that's the price of submission."

"We can do that." The cop says.

Dad and I lower our guns at the same time and he walks towards them.

"You've got stuff to bring in, you bring it now. Once this door closes it stays closed."

The cop nods and orders them to run to the car while dad and I stand by the entrance.

"I hope you know what you're doing Gem." He says.

"I couldn't just let them die, dad. It's against everything I believe in and work for." I say.

"Well, it's not like you're giving them much more time. There's only fifteen more hours left on that clock." He says, looking down at me.

"It's better than dying out there." I whisper.

He nods his head and we look back towards the group of people. They run towards us and we move out of the way as they begin to pile into the foyer. The last few people enter and dad slides his security card through the slot, locking the doors for good.

"Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here."

The metal doors slide shut and the cop approaches dad and me, "Rick Grimes."

"Dr Edwin Jenner. My daughter, Dr Gemma Jenner."

Rick turns to me and nods his head, which I do in return.

"Follow me." I say, walking towards the elevator.

I press the button and the doors open and I walk in standing at the front. They pile in after me, the sleeveless man giving me a glare. I shake my head and roll my eyes and dad comes in last, standing beside me. Using his key card his taps the button and we begin to descend under ground.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" I turn to see the sleeveless guy ask in a heavy southern accent.

"There were plenty left lying around, we familiarised ourselves." Dad says, looking at me.

"But you look harmless enough. Except you, I have to keep my eye on you." Dad says towards the small boy by Rick.

The boy smiles and looks at me and I give him a quick wink before turning back to the doors as the elevator reaches the floor. Dad and I exit first and walk towards the main room in silence.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now