Chapter 52

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Gemma's P.O.V
We hide around the corner of the brick building, hearing the thundering engine of the car approach. I'm behind Sasha and Tyreese, hearing the sound of Noah's gunshots in the air. The car gets louder until a high pitched screeching is heard and the car comes to a stop.

"Put it down Noah!" A woman commands.

"Put the gun down!" A man instructs.

There is a moment of silence before the woman speaks, "Hands up, turn around."

I can faintly hear footsteps and different movements before the man speaks, "Let me know if it's too tight, okay?"

"I thought you were supposed to be smart Noah, you thought we wouldn't hear you?" The woman asks.

"Where's those rotters you were shooting at?" The man asks.

Rick whistle's and we all walk out, our guns aimed at the cops. They turn and look at us, their eyes wide and their guns raised.

"Hands." Rick commands.

"What do you want?" The woman asks, still aiming her gun.

"Whatever this is, we can help." The man states, doing the same.

"You do what we say, we don't hurt you." Rick says, moving forward.

The man's eyes look over us before he holds his hands up, "Okay." The woman following closely behind.

"Good, now turn around. Put your guns on the ground, kneel." Rick instructs as we begin to surround them.

They kneel down and place their guns on the ground as Daryl walks over to the man. I lower my gun as they take their weapons and begin to restrain them, Tyreese releasing Noah from the zip tie.

"We need to talk, there's water if you need some and food." Rick says.

"Mind if I ask you something?" The guy asks as they are pulled to their feet.

"The way you talk, the way you carry yourself. Are you a cop?" He asks after a moment.

Rick glares at him as the man continues speaking, "Believe it or not I was too."

Noah walks over to Rick, "That's Lamson, was looking out for us. He's one of the good ones."

The screeching of a tire draws our attention as a cop car speeds around the corner. I draw my gun and begin firing at the vehicle as it barrels towards us. I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me behind the dumpster, holding me against their chest. I continue to fire at the car as the cops slide into the back seat, the guy in the front firing back at us.

The car begins to drive away and the arms let me go, Daryl running out form behind me. Sasha shoots the wheel of the car and we chase after it. We round the corner and Rick holds his hand up, signalling for us to stop. The car is stopped to the side, the ground covered in bodies. Walkers are melted to the ground, moving aimlessly around.

We approach with caution, the sent hitting me like a brick wall. The acidic taste touches my tongue but I resist the urge the be sick following after the others. The walkers reach for us but it's useless due to their state. Ahead, I see the two cops from before run away around a corner.

"Two, on me." Rick commands.

We begin to run off after them as fast as we can go. I look to my side and notice Daryl isn't with us and I stop, looking around desperately for him.

"Daryl?!" I scream.

I run back the way we came and turn the corner to see the other cop straddling him, Daryl's arm reaching towards a walker. I rush forward and see Daryl's arm fly upwards, knocking the guy over with the walker's head. He makes a lunge for Daryl and I kick him out of the way, my gun aimed at his head.

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