Chapter 34

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Gemma's P.O.V
I pull the zip on my bag closed after ensuring I have everything in it. I stand up and look around my cell for a moment before walking out and down the stairs. I pass by the other cells and walk out to the car, placing my bag in the back. I push it right in and begin to stack the other things in as people pass them to me. Soon the car is full and I shut the boot and walk back inside.

I walk back inside and do one last look around to make sure we have everything and we do. I leave the building and glance back for a second, a wave of nostalgia overcoming me. I turn and see Carol helping Daryl to his feet before she walks away. He looks over and spots me and nods for me to come over and I make my way over to him quickly. I see the sadness in his eyes and I long to hold him and make the pain go away, but the others are around and we don't have time.

"Take this." He says, holding out his poncho.

"I can't. What if you-"

"Please." He says.

I nod my head and he places the poncho over my head, straightening it out for me.

"I want you to be safe okay? No heroics." I say, looking up at him.

He shakes his head, "You be safe too."

I nod my head and lean up to press a quick kiss to his lips. I go to pull away when his arm snakes around my waist and he places a long, chaste kiss on my lips. One of my hands grip his shoulder, the other tangles in his hair. He pulls away and presses his forehead to mine, our breathing laboured.

"I love you." He says gruffly.

"I love you too." I whisper.

I pull away from him and walk to the car with Beth, Hershel, Carl and Judith. I walk to the driver's side and hop in, turning the car on. I give one last glance to Daryl, who gives me a nod. I nod back and begin to drive away from the prison to our hideaway. After about ten minutes, I pull off the road and drive into the woods, parking the car about a mile in.

I turn the car off and step out, taking my gun with me. That's when the faint sound of gunfire starts from the prison. I pace around nervously as the others get out of the car and wait for it to stop. The others begin to cover the car with branches to camouflage it and we wait behind it.

After what seems like hours, the gunfire stops and I'm anxious to get back. However I wait like Rick told me too to ensure that everything was safe. I hear a rustle in the woods and I aim my gun towards the direction of the noise. Soon a young kid comes out of the trees and we all stand up, aiming our guns at him.

"Lower the weapon Son." Hershel instructs.

"Sure, here. Take it." The kid says, handing the gun towards me.

Before I know it the kid is on the ground with a bullet wound to his head, his blood on my clothing. I snap my head to the side to see Carl staring at the body in shock, Hershel and Beth staring at him. I reach my hand out and lower his gun to his side before walking towards the body. I kneel down beside it and turn his head to face me, he looks around eighteen or nineteen. I exhale and shut his eyes before reaching for his gun, putting it across my back.

I stand up and face them, "We better get back."

Hershel, Beth and I clear the branches off as Carl stares at the boy in horror. I open the door and he snaps out of it, getting into the car. I turn the engine on as we make our way back to the prison. In the rear view mirror, I see Carl staring out the window with a blank expression.

As we near the prison, I see two of the guard towers in flames and most of the walkers gone. However walkers emerge from the woods and begin to converge on the place again. I drive up to the gate and Beth jumps out, opening it for us. I drive through and park the car by the others, turning it off. I get out and start grabbing things from the boot, walking into the prison.

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