Chapter 30

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Gemma's P.O.V
I stand up in the guard tower and keep my eyes focused outside the fences, searching for any threat. Rick and the others have been gone for a long time and I begin to grow anxious, wondering where they could be. I hear the sound of a car in the distance and I look up to see the Tuscon speeding forward. I smile brightly and rush down the stairs to meet them.

As I push open the door I see the car waiting to be let in the inside gate. I rush forward and see Maggie and Glenn in the car and open the gate for them. I look down towards the others and notice that Rick is the only one there. I search for any sign of Daryl but I can't see him anywhere. Maggie parks the car and gets out and I rush towards her.

"Thank God you're alive!" I say, wrapping my arms around her.

She hugs me back tightly, "Me too."

The other car door opens and I walk around to see Glenn step out, all bloodied and bruised, "What happened?" I ask.

"Long story." He says bitterly.

"Go inside and I'll come in and check on you." I say as Axel steps forward to help him.

Rick walks up with Carol and Carl by his side, Carol's face covered in tears. I walk towards Rick and see him look at me apprehensively.

"Where's Daryl and Oscar?" I ask, looking around again.

He places his hands on his hips and looks down, "Oscar was shot."

I sigh and close my eyes, shaking my head. I liked Oscar, he was a good man and was easy to get along with.

"And Daryl?" I ask.

His face goes hard and my heart drops, "No, he can't be-"

"He's not dead." He interrupts me.

I sigh in relief and place my hand on my heart, "Thank God. Where is he?"

"He's gone."

My eyebrows crinkle in confusion, "Where?"

"He found his brother, Merle."

"I thought Merle was dead?" I ask, confused.

"That's what we thought, but he wasn't."

"Then where are they?" I ask.

"Merle captured Maggie and Glenn, tortured them. He's the right hand man to this Governor but the he betrayed Merle, branded him a traitor. Daryl was captured by this Governor and we saved them both. However bringing Merle back would cause too much bad blood between everyone so we decided to send him packing. But Daryl refused to leave him, so he left." Rick explains.

"He left? Without saying goodbye?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly.

"He told me to say goodbye." Rick says placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrug it off and begin to walk away, wrapping my arms around my chest.

"Gemma! Where are you going?" Rick yells.

"I need to alone for awhile." I yell back, walking towards the guard tower.

I open the door and rush up the steps towards the balcony. I sit down and let my legs hang over the edge as I look out over the grounds. The feelings of abandonment flow through me and the tears begin to flow, my body rocking with sobs. He's gone, Daryl's gone and he didn't even say goodbye. I think of all the people I've lost, my mother, my father, Dale, Lori, T... But for some reason, Daryl's leaving hurts more than the others. The others were taken away against their will, but Daryl chose to leave... And that's what hurts the most. I sit there for along time, just crying.

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