Chapter 48

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Gemma's P.O.V
The cloth cuts into the side of my mouth as they push me along the way. Martin and the young man, Albert, carry Bob back to the church. The woman walks behind me with the barrel of the gun digging into my back. My hands are bound behind me and I glare at the back of Gareth's head. He stops suddenly and holds up his hand, his eyes scanning the tree line. He turns and faces the others and nods, gesturing for the men to go ahead.

Martin and Albert walk through the tree line and from this distance I see them discreetly place Bob on the ground in front of the church. They hurry back and join the group and Gareth speaks, "We'll head back and watch from a distance."

They nod and the woman pushes me forward, causing me stumble on my feet. Gareth catches my upper arm but I shrug out of his grasp, glaring at him. He chuckles, "Feisty one." He turns and I hear the faint sound of groaning, "This just keeps getting better and better." He smirks.

The woman pushes me forward again and we walk back a hundred yards or so and watch the activity in the church. There's a flicker of movement at the window and soon the church doors bust open and people pour through.

"Bob!" Sasha screams as she runs down the steps to Bob's side.

Walkers begin to emerge from the trees and stalk towards the group. "His leg!" Maggie cries.

"Get Bob inside, we'll take care of them!" Glenn yells, taking down a walker.

Tara and Sasha struggle to lift Bob from the ground as I watch on in fear. Rick pulls out his python and begins to shoot the walkers one by one, them falling to heap on the ground.

"Go inside! Go!" He commands as he shoots.

Rick looks around for a moment and I long to scream out a warning but am unable to due to the gag. He walks back inside, locking the doors behind him. My shoulders sag in a mixture of relief and anxiety.

"Phase one complete. Nice touch with the A, Albert. Gives a little personal touch." Gareth chuckles.

"Well, you gotta admit. There is some grade A meat in there. I like the look of the brunette." He smirks from beside me, licking his lips.

They begin to laugh quietly and as quickly as possible, I throw my head forward causing it to collide with Albert's nose. He yelps in pain and clutches at his nose and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my body, a blade held to my throat.

"You nasty little bitch! I should have killed you back at the cabin!" Martin sneers.

"Martin enough!" Gareth commands before continuing, "We need her. Once this is all over, she's yours to do with as you please." He says, eyeing me.

After a moment, Martin reluctantly removes the blade from my throat and his arms from my body. My breathing is heavy as the pain in my head causes a slight buzzing. Martin looks at me before leaning beside my ear, "You're mine." He stalks away from me.

I look over at the church and hope that Bob is safe and that they'll find out about Gareth and the others. My mind drifts to Daryl and I pray that he is safe and am thankful that he isn't here to deal with this danger. My eyes remain focused on the church as I wait for their next move.


What seems like hours later, the church doors open and some of the group walk out. Rick is in the lead followed closely behind by, Michonne, Sasha, Glenn, Maggie, Tara and lastly Abraham. I curse mentally knowing that it's mostly the weak left behind, their only protectors are Carl, Rosita and Tyreese. Gabriel closes the door behind them, the sound of the lock filling the night air. I watch the others walk through the graveyard and into the trees towards the school where Bob would have told them we were.

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