Chapter 9

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Gemma's P.O.V
We've been walking for what seems like hours, searching for Sophia. My feet are killing me and the complaining has grown to an annoying high level. Lori has positioned herself between me and Andrea, sensing that I may snap at any moment.

"How much farther?" Lori asks.

"Not much, maybe a hundred yards, as the crow flies." Daryl says.

"Too bad we're not crows." Andrea mutters.

I roll my eyes and clench my jaw, trying so hard not to snap. She plods along, walking farther from the group. She walks into a spider web and moans in complaint.

"I swear to God, I might hit her." I mumble under my breath.

Lori chuckles at my words as we continue walking. Soon Andrea begins to scream in terror from a distance and we all turn to see a walker reaching for her. She tries to take down the thing but drops her weapon, failing miserably. We rush towards her and I wonder how she got so far away. She lays on the ground screaming when suddenly a flash of colour rushes past, knocking the walker to the ground.

"Lori." A female voice calls.

I look up and see a young brunette woman sitting on a horse, a baseball clutched in hand.

"Lori Grimes?" She asks looking at Andrea.

"I'm Lori." Lori says.

The brunette turns to her, "Rick sent me, you gotta come now!" She says, panicked.

"What?" Lori asks confused.

"There's been an accident, Carl's been shot. He's still alive but you gotta come now." She explains.

Lori face is covered with shock as she looks at the girl on the horse.

"Rick needs you, just come!" She yells.

Lori slides her bag off and passes it to me when Daryl objects, "Woah, woah, woah! We don't know this girl! You can't get on that horse!"

"Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl? Back track to Farabin road, two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mail box, the names Greene." The girl says before rushing off with Lori.

"Gemma! Get to the house!" Lori screams at me before she's out of sight.

I stare off after her as she disappears through the trees. The sounds of groans cause us to look at the walker that slowly sits up from it positions.

"Shut up!" Daryl says, shooting it with ease.

We quickly rush the short distance towards the RV, seeing Dale standing on the roof of the RV.

"There you are! Where the hell have you been?" He calls.

I rush towards the RV and begin to grab things to get to the house.

"Why is she in such a rush?" I hear him call.

"Carl's been shot! A strange woman took Lori to him, Rick sent her." Glenn explains.

"Oh my God! Where are they?" He asks.

"There's a farm two miles down, the woman told us how to get there." Andrea says.

"What's Gemma doing?" He asks, as I begin to walk out of the RV, back pack on my shoulder.

"I'm going to go save that boy." I say, walking past the lot of them towards a car.

I feel someone grip my arm and I turn to look into the Georgian Blues, "You can't just go, we don't know who these people are!"

"Let go of me! They need me and I've dealt with gun shot wounds before!" I yell, memories flashing back.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now