Chapter 41

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Gemma's P.O.V
1 Month Later
"Jeremiah, slow down!" I scold the little boy.

"Come on Gemma!" He yells back.

I chuckle and catch up to him quickly but he stops immediately, "Walker."

I look up and see one stumbling towards us, it's yellow eyes trained on us.

"Stay here." I say, pulling my knife out.

I walk forward and plunge the knife into the walkers head and pull it out as it falls to the floor. I turn and see Jeremiah smiling at me, "What?" I ask.

"That was awesome." He smiles.

I chuckle, "Thanks, now let's go." I say, walking down the road towards a train intersection.

He catches up and holds my hand and I look down at him in shock. He looks straight ahead with a smile on his face and I give him a small smile. We walk for awhile longer when he speaks.

"Do you think we're gonna find Mr Dixon and the others?" He asks.

I slow my pace and my heart aches for my hunter, "I really hope so."

"Do you think my mommy will be with them?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Maybe, let's hope so hey?" I say.

He nods his head, "Yeah."

"I'm hungry." He adds after a moment.

I chuckle and stop, pulling the bag off my back and kneeling down beside him, "What do you want? The crisps or the chocolate bar?"

"Chocolate bar!" He says excitedly.

I laugh and pull it out, "How did I know?"

I hand it to him and he pulls the packet off eagerly and tears it in half. He passes one half to me and I smile, accepting it off him. I pull the bag back on and wince as it hits my sore shoulder, "Ouch." I hiss.

"Does it still hurt?" He asks.

I nod my head, "Yeah, a little."

"Did I not do a good job?" He asks with a downcast face.

"You did the best job! Without you, I'd still have that bullet in my shoulder." I smile down at him.

A wide smile covers his face, "I'm glad you're better."

"Me too."

We hear some raucous laughter and I look around wildly for the source, "Get into the woods, now!"

I push him towards a tree further in and he begins to climb it with my help. We climb the tree until were up high and I hold the revolver in my hand. A group of men emerge from woods opposite us, the laughter dying down. Jeremiah, grips my hand tightly as his other hand holds onto the tree.

"Joe, do you think we'll find him?" One of the men asks.

"We will and when do, he's mine!" The grey haired man says, continuing down the tracks.

I hear moans from underneath us and I look down to see walkers clawing at the bottom of the tree.

"Gemma." Jeremiah whispers anxiously, his eyes trained on the men.

"I know, just stay quiet. I'll get them." I say, climbing down the tree.

The walkers reach for me, their growls getting louder. I try to get them with my knife but they're too far down. I lean forward more and the branch snaps underneath me and I fall down, landing on one of them.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now