Chapter 67

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Gemma's P.O.V
I sit in a dining chair, my feet propped up on the edge of Tara's bed. I have a pounding headache and my eyes are red and raw. I ran out of tears around an hour ago but my body still rocks with sobs. Noah's funeral has been organised for tomorrow, along with Deanna's son Aidan. Tara hasn't woken up yet from her injuries and k sit by her side, hoping that she isn't another person we'll lose.

"Knock knock." A male voice says.

I turn my head and see Pete standing at the doorway, "Thought I'd come check in and see how she is." He says, nodding his head towards Tara.

I look back at her, "She's stable but it's a waiting game at the moment." I say, leaning back in my chair.

"What about you?" He asks.

"What about me?" I say.

He pulls a chair up and sits next to me, he leans forward with his forearms on his knees, "It's okay for you to be sad, you just lost a member of your group-"

"His name was Noah." I say.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders as I feel a new round of tears begin to well up in my eyes, "He was just so sweet. He had so much love and kindness in his heart. I just... I don't... I... Oh God!" I cry out.

Pete wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me against his chest as I sob again. He places one of his hands on my knees and rubs his thumb over it. I begin to grow uncomfortable under his touch and move away. He reaches his hand up and turns my head to face him before smashing his lips to mine. I push him back and wipe my mouth.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I cry.

He pulls me against him again and kisses me once more and I struggle to pull him off me, "Pete, stop!" I yell.

I push him back and he goes for me again, I bring my hand across his face. He reaches his hand up to his face and looks at me in shock.

"What the fuck was that?" I say, staring at him in disbelief.

"You wanted it." He says.

"No I didn't. Why would I? I'm married to Daryl, happily married." I say, holding up my left hand.

"I just thought..." He trails off, looking away.

I stand up from my spot and turn my back to him, "I think you should leave."

I hear him get up, "Gemma, it was a mistake."

"All the same, I think you should go." I say, turning to face him.

His face contorts in anger and he storms forward until my back is pressed against the wall, his eyes filled with fury.

"You and your people come in here and weave yourselves in, try to take away what we have. You act like a tease... I know what you're trying to do and I'm not gonna let it happen." He sneers.

My breathing quickens and I feel fear in my veins. He looks at me for a moment before slamming his fist beside my head.

"I'm not letting it happen!" He yells.

I gasp in shock as he storms out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I wrap my trembling hands around my body and sink to the floor, sobbing to myself. I hear myself getting louder but I can't stop it.


I hear someone rush to my side and pull my face to look at them. Rick looks at me with concern in his eyes, "What happened?"

I try to speak but I can't find the words. Rick pulls my into his shoulder and I sob against him.

"You're okay." He whispers.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now