Chapter 11

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Gemma's P.O.V
I sit around the camp fire with the rest of the group, eating the food prepared by Carol and Lori. This is the first night we've all spent together as a group since Carl was shot. The fire is larger than usual, a bonus due to the isolation of the farm. Everyone sits around laughing and talking, currently discussing the situation at the well.

We were unable to attract the walker with the food so they decided to send Glenn down, much to Maggie and I's protest. The pole we used as an anchor snapped and Glenn was nearly killed, but he managed to secure the rope around the walker. However when we tried to pull it up, it got caught and ripped in two, contaminating the water anyway.

"I tell you what, this kid has got balls." Shane says, digging into his food.

"I've never seen someone move so fast." Andrea adds.

"It was nothing guys." Glenn argues.

"Yeah, well that nothing nearly got you killed. Next time, don't risk your life for something so trivial or you will get killed." I say, dumping my plate down.

I stand up and walk away from the group in a huff, infuriated at their stupidity. How they could make light of the fact that Glenn nearly died baffles me. I walk into one of the fields, taking a seat on a log. I wrap my arms around, a cold chill running through the air. I look out into the night sky and try to calm myself down at my outburst.

I sit there for what seems like hours, my thoughts racing at a million miles an hour. I think about how I ended up here, how different things would be if I didn't make the decisions I made, if I would live long enough to make up for what I've done.

I don't notice someone there until they step into my line of view, interrupting me from my thoughts. I look up and see him looking down at me, another unreadable expression on his face. He looks at me in silence as I wait for him to speak.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, I speak, "What do you want?"

He shifts on his feet and looks at the ground, "Came to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine, I just needed some time alone." I say, looking straight ahead.

"I just don't think I'm ever going to fit in here." I say, voicing my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Today, I saw something that shocked me. Without a hesitation they lowered him in that well, with no regard for his safety. It was as if they didn't care if he got hurt." I say, bewildered.

"And he just let them, like he had something to prove. He wanted to show them that he wasn't just some kid, that he could help this group. And I was disgusted, that they would risk his life for some damn water!" I say, getting angry as I stand up.

"This world has destroyed humanity, leaving nothing but a survival of the fittest attitude. I mean, it's almost as if they've forgotten about Sophia, focused more on survival. It makes me sick." I yell, kicking the log.

I kick it until all my frustration is out and I stand there, trying to catch my breath. I throw my head back and take a deep breath, before turning and looking at him. He stands in the same position as before, with the same unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry. I must seem like such a idiot." I say, rubbing my hand over my jaw.

"No, it get it." He speaks up.

"Really?" I ask.

He nods his head, "They're different, they don't get it like we do. They're sitting here playing house when we know that this won't last for long."

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