Chapter 33

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Gemma's P.O.V
I open my eyes to look up at the cinder block ceiling above me, stifling a yawn. I feel a pair of arms squeeze me around my waist and I look to the side to see Daryl's sleeping figure. He is asleep as he lays on his side facing me, his lips slightly pouting out. I chuckle silently and slowly untangle myself from his grasp to not disturb him. I get out of bed quietly and slip on my shoes, walking out of the cell.

It's rather early in the morning and I walk down the stairs to the cafeteria. I walk past the tables, not really taking any notice when someone speaks.

"Well, isn't someone up early?"

I look over and see Merle looking at me, "Aren't we?" I say, grabbing some water.

"Been on watch, Michonne just switched with me. What about you?" He asks.

"I was thirsty." I say, taking a drink form the bottle.

"Let me guess, worked up thirst last night huh?" He asks, wriggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and take a seat opposite him, "No, I did not."

"That's a shame, thought you two would have all over each other by now." He says, leaning forward.

"Merle, seriously? Is that all you think about?" I say.

"No, but mostly." He chuckles.

I shake my head, laughing at him while playing with the water bottle. "But seriously, are you two together now?" He asks.

I look up from the bottle into his eyes, "Yes."

"'Bout time. I was thinking I'd have to lock you two in a cell until you finally gave in." He says.

"Well now you don't have too." I smile.

He looks at me, "Promise me something."

"What?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Promise you won't hurt him. You see it takes a lot for my baby brother to admit his feelings and I'd hate to see you take advantage of that." He says seriously.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, "Merle, I love your brother more than anything in this world. If it came down to it, I'd sacrifice myself over him no matter what. I promise, I will never hurt him."

He stands up and walks over and takes a seat beside me, facing me, "Thank you."

I smile, "You're welcome."

He goes to stand up and begins to walk away when he speaks, "You're gonna make a good Dixon."

I stare after him in shock as his words sink in and a small smile comes to my face. Me? A Dixon? I bite my lip and smile at the thought.

"What're you doing up?"

I turn and see Rick standing at the door with Judith in his arms, swaying her back and forth.

"Thirsty." I say, holding up the bottle.

He smiles, "So's she." He says, nodding to the little girl.

He walks further into the cell towards me, "Mind if you hold her while I make her breakfast."

I smile happily, "I'd love to."

He passes her to me and I look down into her beautiful eyes, "Hello Lil Asskicker."

Rick chuckles, "That name is never gonna go is it?"

I shake my head and speak in my baby voice, "No it isn't."

She looks up at me, her hands moving around and grasping my own.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now