Chapter 29

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Gemma's P.O.V
We sit around in a cell and wait for the others to return home. They've been gone for a couple of hours and it's boring in the prison. Beth sits on the bed with the baby, which Rick and Carl have decided to name Judith, in her arms.

Axel sits beside her on the bed and looks down at Judith, "You are good with her. You got little sisters?" He asks.

"No." Beth shakes her head.

"How old are you anyway?" He asks in a slightly creepy tone.

I notice Carol by the doorway and I exchange a glance with her.

"Seventeen." Beth replies.

"Seventeen, interesting." He says.

"May I speak with you?" She asks, glowering at him.

"Me?" He asks.

"Yes you." I say, getting up from the floor.

"I'll be right back." He says to Beth before getting off the bed.

Axel walks ahead of me and I follow him out. We walk away from the cell so the others can't hear us and we stop by the stairs.

"What's the problem?" Axel asks.

"Stay away from her." Carol says.

Axel glances back before looking between the two of us, "Please."

"You're out there trying to repopulate the earth." I press.

"I didn't mean no offence. I've been locked up a long while and well there weren't many woman, you follow me?" Axel says.

I scoff in disgust as he continues, "I mean Maggie, she's with Glenn. Daryl won't let me near you, and you're a lesbian. I was just trying..." He begins and we both laugh.

"I'm not a lesbian." Carol laughs.

"You got the short hair." He says, gesturing to her hair.

She gives him a look and I try my best not to burst out laughing.

"You sure you're not a lesbian?" He asks her and she just gives him a look.

He leans against the stairs and smirks, "My, my. This is interesting."

She smirks, "No, it's not."

We begin to laugh and walk away towards the cell. She pauses before entering the cell, "So you and Daryl huh?"

I pause and turn to face her, "No, not really."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, we've kissed and stuff but we haven't really defined it. Besides, we aren't really speaking at the moment." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Rick and I had a fight yesterday and I took out my frustration at Daryl when he was trying to help me. Now he won't speak to me." I mumble.

"That's the thing with Daryl, he doesn't put himself out there often. You gotta give him time, don't worry he'll come back. He always does." She smiles, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I chuckle and look down at her hand, "You trying to hit on me Carol?"

She chuckles and we walk back into the cell.


I reapply a new dressing to my wound, discarding the old one in the bin. Beth and Carl sit on the stairs, restocking ammo in the guns. Axel and Carol are outside on watch and Hershel is putting Judith down to sleep. I tie the bandage to my leg and stand up, felling that my leg feels a lot better.

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