Chapter 68

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Gemma's P.O.V
I sit on the lounge in the living room, flicking through a book but not really paying attention to it. I keep glancing at the clock on the wall, wishing that Daryl would hurry up and return. I place the book down in frustration and let out a sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Can't sleep?"

I turn and see Carl walking down the stairs, his eyes quizzical.

I smile, "Something like that."

"When was he meant to be back?" He asks, getting himself a glass of water.

"He didn't say." I comment, laying back on the couch.

He walks over and lifts my legs, laying them across his lap and I chuckle. He gives a small side smile before taking a drink. The sleeves of his shirt are pushed up and I see the graze on his elbow from the fight yesterday.

"Is it okay?" I ask, nodding to the wound.

He glances down at it and shrugs, "It's alright. Stings a bit." He comments.

"Want me to clean it up?" I ask.

He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders, "If you want."

I place my feet on the floor and walk over to the first aid kit that Jessie gave us in the welcome back. I rifle through and grab everything I need and take a seat by Carl. I grab the cloth and pour on some antiseptic before dabbing at it.

"Ouch." He hisses and I chuckle, "Sorry."

I quickly clean it and put a band aid on it, "All better."

He smiles, "Thanks."

I place the supplies on the coffee table and lean back against the lounge, closing my eyes and letting out a yawn.

"Go to bed." Carl says.

I shake my head and stifle another yawn, "I'm fine."

"You need to rest Gemma, for the baby." He points out.

"The baby is fine, we're both fine. What about you huh? How have you been holding up lately?" I ask, opening my eyes and turning my head to face him.

He shrugs, "I'm okay."

I roll my eyes, "Sure you are, you don't have to lie to me kid."

He leans back against the lounge and I turn to my side, resting my head on my arm.

"I worried about Dad."

"He's fine, just a couple of scratches and bruises." I reassure him.

He shakes his head, "It's not that. I know that what Dad did was right, Pete deserved everything he got."

"You can say that again." I mutter, thinking back to the other night.

"But I'm worried that Deanna will kick us out and we'll have to go back out there again." He explains. I look at him and empathise, knowing that it's the last place I want to be.

"When we were out there, we were broken. On the brink of losing everything, focusing on surviving. But now... We're a family again. We're not just surviving, we're alive. I want Judith to grow up here, for the baby to grow up here where it's safe. But now, I'm not so sure that's an option..." He mumbles, looking at his intertwined fingers.

I reach out and take one of his hands in mine and he turns to look at me. I place a hand on his hair, "Everything is going to be okay. Whether we stay here or end up back out there, we'll all be fine. Even after what happened yesterday, I still believe in your Dad and know that he is thinking of us all in every decision he makes. You don't have to be afraid because I won't let anything happen to you or Judy. You both are like my own and I'll do anything to protect you, you hear me?"

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