Chapter 63

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Gemma's P.O.V
I walk down the seemingly perfect suburban street in Alexandria, my arms crossed tightly across my chest. I look at everything uneasily, my instincts still telling me not to trust this place. Everything is so clean and perfect, something I haven't dealt with since before the apocalypse. Seeing all this, reminds me of when I was a kid. My parents both having well paying jobs, I grew up in a neighbourhood like this. An eco-sustainable, picture perfect neighbourhood. Seeing it all now just reminds me of everything I've lost.


I turn and see Deanna walking towards me, a man on her her arm. The couple walk forward and I stop so they can catch up.

"It's good to see you out and about, I heard you haven't been feeling well." She says, concern on her face.

I shrug my shoulders, "It's just morning sickness, nothing I can't handle."

The man chuckles, "Yes, I remember when Deanna was pregnant with our son Aidan. Awful morning sickness."

She smiles up at him before shaking her head, "I'm sorry how rude of me. This is my husband Reg, Reg this is Gemma."

He holds his hand out, "Yes, I've heard a lot about you."

I take his hand hesitantly, "All good I hope."

He smirks, "Don't fret, she's said nothing but good things."

Deanna smiles, "Are you heading over to the clinic, I could introduce you to Pete."

"Whose Pete?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

"Pete is our surgeon, much like yourself." Reg says.

We begin walking through the town towards the clinic, Reg and Deanna chatting aimlessly. Soon we reach a house near the centre of the community, a makeshift sign stating 'CLINIC'. Reg walks up the steps and holds the door open for us. We enter and I look around, seeing how surprisingly light it is.

"Pete?" Deanna calls.

"Back here!" A deep voice yells.

As we walk through the house, I see that rooms are decked out with beds and different medical equipment. We reach the end of the hall and to the left is a door open. We walk in and I see a blonde haired man sitting behind a desk looking at papers.

The man looks up and smiles at us, "Hello. What can I do you for?"

Deanna turns and looks at me, "I just came to show Gemma the clinic, give her a feel of what we are trying to build here. Also I thought it'd be good that you two meet seeing as you could potentially be working together."

Pete looks at me and gives me a beaming smile and stands up from his desk.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Gemma, I'm Pete." He says, walking to me and holding his hand out.

I take it and smile, "You too."

"Why don't you show her around? Reg and I have to go attend to some things." Deanna suggests.

"Happy to." Pete says.

"You are coming to the party tonight Gemma?" Deanna asks.

"What party?" I ask.

"We are having a get together at our house this evening, just so that people can get to know your group. A welcome party of sorts." She explains.

"That's very kind of you." I state.

She waves her hand, "Nonsense, it's a chance to have fun. Get to know people. Will you be there?"

"I'll see what I can do." I say.

"Okay then. See you later Gemma, Pete." Reg smiles genuinely.

I nod my head and they leave, I turn back to Pete who looks at me, "So?"

I nod my head and he walks through the door, "We don't have a high quality set up here but as you can see, we are well off. Different pieces of equipment have been brought in from supply runs and scavenging. We haven't had any major traumas yet, which is good but I think we are prepared for the most part if something major happens."

I nod my head as we walk through the house, looking at everything. They have a fairly substantial set up, having some things I'd never thought I'd see again.

"So what was your specialisation?" Pete asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "General. I dabbled here and there but I was only halfway through my residency when everything went bad. What about you?"

He tilts his head, "Much the same really. I did enjoy cardiology and orthopaedics but I liked general better."

We reach the front of the house, "Well I better get going."

"Of course," He says opening the door, "Come back any time. If you need anything, my door is always open. I live on the street next to yours. My wife and sons are there most of the time so they could tell you where I am if you want to find me."

I smile, "Okay, thanks Pete. I'll see you later."

"Bye Gemma." He says, shutting the door behind me.

I walk down the steps and look around for something to do. I realise that I haven't checked in on Eric and his ankle in awhile and I want to make sure he is okay. I head into the direction of their house and soon enough I am knocking on their front door.

"Come in!" Eric yells.

I open the door and close it behind me, "Eric?" I call out.

"In here Gemma!" He calls from the direction of the lounge room. I walk down the hall and see him sitting on the lounge with a book on his lap, his foot elevated on a pillow.

"Well this is a surprise." He says, placing the book on the table.

"I just wanted to see how your ankle was doing." I say, walking towards it.

"Please have a seat." He says, gesturing to the chair opposite him.

I sit down and look at him, "How does it feel."

He shrugs, "It hurts, but the meds Pete gave me are easing that. Aaron is usually here to help me but he had to go out today. I've just been sitting here reading a book to pass the time till he gets back."

I nod my head, "That's good. I've been worried about you, but I just haven't had the time to come and see you since we got here."

He waves his hand, "Don't be silly, it's okay. There's so much going on I'm surprised you've been thinking about me at all. Are you going to Deanna's party tonight?"

I look down at my hands, "I don't really want to, but I think it'd be rude of me to stay at home."

"You could always come here." He says, gesturing around.

"You're not going?" I ask.

"Well with my ankle, I can't really move around much. Besides Aaron and I are making spaghetti for dinner, it's delicious." He says.

"I don't really want to intrude on your time together." I state.

"Nonsense Gemma, you can come anytime. We'd love to have you, besides it can be a thank you for saving my life." He says.

I bite my lip, "I don't know..."

"Just come Gemma, besides its this or going to Deanna's party." He says.

"What time?" I answer immediately, wanting to avoid Deanna's party at all costs.

He chuckles, "Around seven."

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