Chapter 17

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Gemma's P.O.V
It's the day they are sending Randall out and I've successfully avoided him this whole week, not even knowing I was there. It's also been a week since I've spoken with Daryl. After our fight we have been avoiding each other, pretending as if the other person didn't exist. Rick and Shane left over an hour ago with Randall and I sit on top of the RV on look out.

Below me people were doing various jobs. Cutting up firewood for the oncoming winter, getting eggs from the chicken coup, milking the cows. It's almost of if we weren't in the middle of the apocalypse, that it was just a normal day, in a normal time. Over in the distance I see Daryl's campsite, barely a speck in my vision. I pick up the binoculars and take a closer look, seeing only a empty campsite, no sign of the hunter.

"Why don't you just go talk to him?"

I spin around and clutch at my chest frightened, "Jesus Carol!"

She has a small smirk on her lips as she stands on top of the RV, the first time I've ever seen her there. She still looks small and frail, her eyes still holding an excruciating sadness. But at this moment there's something else as she looks upon me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I say, looking towards the fields again.

"Lie all you want, it's obvious that you want to see him." She says, taking a seat beside me.

I roll my eyes, "I'm pretty sure I don't."

"Then why were you looking at his campsite with the binoculars?" She presses.

"I was merely... Looking out for walkers." I say, coming up with a quick excuse.

She looks at me and raises her eyebrow, "Sure you were."

"What do you need Carol?" I say, turning back to the fields.

"Was just checking to see how you're going." She says.

"Why is everyone so worried about me? You all act as if I'm going to snap any minute. I'm fine." I say, slightly flustered.

She looks down at my bandaged knuckles, "Clearly." I cross my arms and tuck my hands underneath.

"Gemma!" I hear someone yelling.

I stand up and look over the RV to see Lori running towards us.

"Gemma! Have you seen Maggie or Hershel?" She yells breathless.

"I haven't seen Hershel. But I've seen Maggie and Glenn walk about about 20 minutes ago." I say.

"Can you find her for me? I gotta get back to the house!" She says.

"Of course." I say.

She nods and turns around, running back to the house. I look at Carol bemused when Andrea walks by the RV.

"Andrea?" I call.

She stops and turns, her arm covering her eyes from the sun, "Yeah?"

"Can you find Maggie? Lori came here in a fluster and needs her at the house now." I yell down, pointing in the direction they went.

"Okay." She says, running off in the direction.

"What do you think's going on?" Carol asks.

"I don't know." I say, looking after Lori.


I sit by Beth on the bed, her sobbing into Maggie's shoulder. I hold her wrist in my hand and put the final stitches on the cut. I wipe the blood away and put a bandage over the wound. I look up at Beth whose eyes are red and puffy as she sobs.

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