Chapter 28

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Gemma's P.O.V
"It's okay baby girl, it's coming." I soothe as I wait for Beth to heat up the bottle.

Axel spoons some stew into a bowl and walks over to me by the table, placing it down.

"I brought you some food." He smiles, tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you." I smile.

He peers over my shoulder at the baby, "She sure is cute, isn't she?"

I smile at the little girl, "She sure is."

I glance up and see Daryl looking over at us, glaring in Axel's direction. Axel quickly shuffles away as Beth brings the bottle over to me, testing the temperature on her arm.

"It's good." She says, handing it to me.

"Alrighty Lil Asskicker, let's get you fed." I say taking the bottle.

I hear a chorus of chuckles as I place the bottle in the baby's mouth and she begins to eagerly drink down her meal. It's quiet as we all eat and I stare down at the baby, never taking my eyes off her. She quickly finishes the bottle and I put it down, putting her over my shoulder to burp her. I pace back and forth, patting her back until she burps and I feel warm liquid down my back.

"Ew." Carl cries.

I chuckle at his reaction and move the baby off my shoulder, wiping her mouth with the cloth on my shoulder, "That was a bigger one then expected, hey Asskicker?"

Beth rushes over and I hand her the baby as I hobble towards my cell to change my clothes. The smell of the vomit becomes slightly overwhelming as I eventually make it to my cell. I strip the shirt off and leave it by the door, grabbing a towel from my bag. I attempt to wipe my back, trying to remove the liquid.

"Want help?" The southern drawl asks.

I gasp in shock and wrap the towel around my chest, covering my breasts, "What the hell?!"

He scoffs, "Really, you're worried I'll see you without a shirt. It wouldn't be the first time..."

I roll my eyes, "Yes, but that was different." I say, remembering both times he had caught me without a shirt on. I feel a small wave of grief as I think of my brief fling with Shane, before he became an unbearable prick.

"Do you want help or not?" He asks.

I look at him before I turn around and face the other way, handing him the towel. I stare at the cinder block wall as he wipes the towel down my back and shoulder, his fingers occasionally brushing over my sensitive skin trailing goosebumps. I can feel him inches from my body and the feel of his breath on my neck almost hypnotising. I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath as his hands leave my body. I feel something brush against me and I open my eyes to see his hand holding out a clean shirt for me.

"Thank you." I say quietly, accepting the shirt.

I quickly slip it on and turn around to see him looking out the cell door. I clear my throat and he turns around, biting his thumb nail. We walk out of the cell towards the cafeteria again, him aiding me down the stairs. I take a seat at the table and begin to eat the food Axel gave me, with Daryl by my side.

"Everybody okay?"

I turn at the sound of the voice and see Rick behind the barred door walking in.

"Yeah, we are." Maggie says.

"What about you?" Hershel asks.

"Cleared out the boiler block." Rick replies.

"How many were there?" Daryl asks from beside me.

"I don't know, a dozen? Two dozen? I have to get back, I just wanted to check on Carl." Rick says, patting the boys shoulder.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now