Chapter 44

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Gemma's P.O.V
We walk along the empty road, our guns held firmly in our hands. My eyes scan over the side at the tree line, looking for any sign of threat. My mind wanders, so many thoughts flying through my head. I think of the baby and whether I am pregnant or not. I think of Judith, and what it's like to raise a child in this world. And I think of Jeremiah, and how quickly this life can end for a child. Even if I am pregnant, do I want to submit a child to this life?


I shake away my thoughts and look towards my hunter, seeing him look on me with concern. "You okay?" He asks.

I nod my head, "I'm fine."

He stops and I stop beside him as he wipes a tear from under my eye, "You're gonna be fine, I'll make sure of that.

I nod my head, "I know you will."

He looks at me, gives a small nod and leans forward, giving me a kiss. I lean my forehead on his and reach my hand down to hold his. He grips it tightly and we catch up to the others. I hear the constant conversation amongst everybody and I smile at the thought of us all together again. A walker stumbles out near us and I pull my knife out of my belt.

"I got it." Daryl says, holding up his crossbow.

I shake my head and move it down, "I can do it."

He nods his head and I walk over to the walker and decide to take out some of my frustrations. I kick it in the chest and it falls to the ground, I straddle it and plunge my knife into its head. I stand up and look at the thing in disgust, spitting on it. I turn and see the others looking at me but I ignore them and take my place by Daryl.

We continue to walk and my feet begin to hurt and I start to slow down slightly. I notice Daryl match his pace to mine and I smile to myself. As we walk I take his hands, our fingers interlocking. We turn off and walk through the brush for awhile, following Rick's lead like the old times. Daryl let's go of my hand and looks at me, "I'm gonna hunt for a bit okay?"

I nod my head, "Be careful."

He leans forward and kisses me, a hand on my stomach, "I will."

He looks over and nods at someone, Tyreese walking over to me. Daryl gives me one last look before walking up to Rick to say where he's going and then he's gone. We continue walking and the pain in my feet begins to grow unbearable. I hobble slightly and Tyreese stops, "You need to tell them to stop, you can't keep walking in this condition."

"I'm fine Tyreese. I just need to..." I trail off and stop for a second.

"Gemma, you need to stop acting tough. It's not just you now." He scolds.

"Maybe, we don't know for sure." I say.

"Do you really wanna take the risk?" He asks.

I look at him and shake my head, "Rick!" He yells.

Everyone stops and looks back, "What is it?"

"Can we take a break?" Tyreese asks.


Tyreese looks at me and I turn back, "I'm feeling a little dehydrated and I was wondering if we could stop for a minute?"

Rick looks at me for a moment before nodding his head, "Alright, five minutes!"

Everyone takes a seat and stops, doing whatever they do. I sit down where I am and take off my shoe, rubbing my foot. I wriggle it around and try to ease the pain as much as possible. I see a water bottle in my vision and I look up to see Rick holding it out for me. I take it and pull the lid off, taking a long drink. Rick kneels down in front of me and looks me over, "You sure you're alright?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

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