Chapter 54

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Gemma's P.O.V
3 Weeks Later
"It was secure. It has a wall, homes, twenty people. Beth wanted to go with him, she wanted to get him there. It's a long trip but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make." Rick says, looking around our small circle of people.

"What if it isn't around anymore?" Glenn says morbidly.

Rick looks at me before looking at Glenn, "Then we keep going."

"Then we find a new place." Michonne says.

"So whose going?" Tyreese asks.

Rick looks around, "You, Glenn, Michonne and Noah. I wanna keep this small, the others can stay somewhere safe a couple of miles away. We communicate through the walkies."

I nod my head in agreement, my arms crossed over my chest and my eyes on the floor. We break apart and I turn to go when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Rick looking down at me in concern, "You alright with staying behind?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess, it's not like I can do much anyway." I say as another wave of nausea overcomes me.

He looks at me, "You need to rest. You've been working yourself too hard."

I nod my head, "I know, it doesn't help that I haven't had a proper meal in a week." I say.

He sighs, "I know, but we will find somewhere."

Judith begins to cry in Carl's arms, "I know we will, I just hope it's soon." I say, worrying for the two.

I absentmindedly rub my hand over my stomach where a small bump has formed.

"Where's Daryl?" Rick asks.

I let out a shaky laugh, "Your guess is a good as mine. He hasn't spoken to me in three weeks." I grumble.

Rick shifts on his feet, "You just need to give him time."

I instantly become angry at his words and round on him, "I've been doing that this whole time Rick! I've left him alone because I know that that's what he wants and needs. Having me around with my horrendous morning sickness and hormonal mood swings isn't going to help him! But at the same time I can't help but resent him for not being with me. That he's off mourning while I need him more than ever but no, I must play the dutiful wife and respect his wishes when all I want to do is break down and cry!" I yell, my shoulders heaving.

He looks at me and I feel the tears well in the corner of my eyes, falling steadily down my cheeks. Rick reaches forward and pulls me against his chest, his hand cradling my head with the other around my back. I sob into his chest, muffling my cries. He holds me for a long time till my tears dry out and my eyes are red and puffy. I pull back and wipe under my nose, removing the liquid onto my jeans.

"You okay?" Rick asks.

I shake my head, "Gotta be."

He looks at me for a moment before stepping away to explain his plan to the others. I hear a rustle in the bush close by and I pull out my knife, ready to defend myself. A figure emerges through the bush and I raise my knife. My eyes take in the figure and I lower my arm, my heart beating feriously. Daryl looks at me, his eyes blank and I turn away, not wanting him to see me cry.

I walk over to one of the cars and climb into the back, laying across the back seat. I place my feet flat on the seat and cover my eyes with my arm, beginning to sob again. My other hand lays flat on my stomach, rubbing up and down. Images from O'Grady fill my mind, as well as others that plague my nightmares. I think of all the people I've lost; Zach, Mom, Dad, Dale, Randal, Shane, T-Dog, Lori, Merle, Andrea, Karen, Hershel, Jeremiah, Bob, Beth... So many people that I've lost and will never get back. Honestly, I'm not sure if I can cope losing someone else.

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