Chapter 12

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Gemma's P.O.V
"Have you got any fours?" I ask, looking through my cards.

"Go fish." He smiles.

I sigh and take a card from the deck, my fourth time in a row.

"Have you got any sixes?" He asks.

I look through my cards and curse to myself, "How the hell are you doing this Grimes? You've got to be cheating." I say, passing the card to the kid.

He chuckles and adds the pair to his pile. Everyone else was preoccupied, Daryl and the others were searching for Sophia, Carol, Lori and Hershel's girls were preparing dinner while Hershel and Jimmy were doing odd jobs on the farm. I decided that I would spend some time with Carl, seeing as he had to stay in bed all day.

"Do you think they're any closer to finding Sophia?" He asks, as he looks through his cards.

I pause and look at him, "Daryl found a lead yesterday so they seem to be getting closer. Why are you worried we won't find her?" I ask.

"I don't know, she's been gone for a long time now-" He says sadly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't you worry, we'll find her. You're dad and the others searched hard today and Daryl is still out there now. You just worry about getting better." I say, ruffling his hair.

He smiles, "Okay. Do you have any aces?"

A gunshot rings through the air and we both turn to look out the window. I hear the sounds of people yelling and see them running towards the fields.

"I'll be right back." I say, placing my cards on the bed.

I slowly walk out the door not to scare Carl, as soon as I'm out of his sight I rush outside towards the others.

"What happened?" I ask, panic in my voice.

"Andrea shot Daryl!" Lori says.

My heart stops as I look out towards the distance, seeing Andrea and Dale run towards them. I begin to run, pushing my legs as fast as I can towards the others. I hear people yelling after me but I ignore them. The others become closer and I slow myself until Glenn catches me. I see Rick and Shane supporting an unconscious Daryl covered in blood and mud, with a necklace of ears around his neck.

"Is he okay?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Just unconscious, bullet grazed him." Rick says.

"Look at him, what the hell happened to him? He's wearing ears!" Glenn says, pointing to the necklace.

Rick rips of the necklace and shoves it in his pocket, "Let's keep that to ourselves."

"Come on, get him inside so I can check him out. Hurry!" I instruct.

We walk faster until we hear T-Dog speak, "Guys, isn't this Sophia's?"

We turn and see T-Dog holding a rag doll covered in mud, the same one Sophia had when she disappeared. Everyone stares at it in shock as people rushed towards us.

"Let's talk about this later, get him inside." I say, rushing to the house.

"Beth! Patricia!" I yell, going towards Carl's room.

"What's going on?" He asks.

Beth and Patricia appear at the door and I turn to them, "Prep a room quickly, Daryl's been shot!"

They nod and rush away as I grip as much as I can in my hands.

"What?! What happened?!" Carl asks.

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