Chapter 10

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Gemma's P.O.V
After what feels like hours, I place the final stitch into Carl's side. Hershel wipes away the excess blood and begins to place a bandage over the area. I stand to my feet and throw the gloves off of my hands into the bin beside me. I turn to Beth, who has a determined look on her face.

"Beth, you can stop now. Hershel is going to remove the respirator and he will be able to breath on his own again." I smile.

She looks at me unsure, "Let go Beth, you did good."

She smiles and lays the respirator down and I pat her shoulder as I exit the room. I walk towards the front step where I know everyone is waiting. I open the door and walk out into the cool night air, the sounds of cicadas filling the silence. They all turn and anxiously look at me, waiting to hear the news.

"He seems to have stabilised." I smile.

Rick and Lori let out sounds of relief as the others clap and cheer. I smile down at the couple at my feet, seeing the joy in their eyes. Rick walks up the steps and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. I chuckle and hug him back before pulling away. Hershel walks out shortly after and Rick hugs him tightly.

"There are no words." Lori cries.

"I wish I had some but I don't. What do I tell Patricia?" He asks.

Rick turns to Lori, "You go to Carl. I'll go with Hershel."

Lori nods and turns to me, engulfing me in a massive hug.

"Thank you, you saved my boy's life." She breathes.

"It was a pleasure. Go in and see him." I say, gesturing her forward.

She turns and looks at Shane, who is leaning against the car. She gives a quick nod before bypassing me inside. I wipe my hands on the towel and make my way down to Shane, who hobbles forward.

"What happened to you?" I ask, gesturing to his leg.

"I fell out a window, landed on my ankle." He says, his hands in his pockets.

"Come in and let me check it out." I say.

"I'm fine." He says.

"You need that-" I begin.

"Gemma, I'm fine." He says, harshly.

I turn to him, "He's fine Shane. That kid is a fighter."

He nods his head and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, his arms engulfing my waist. We stay that way for a bit before I pull away from him.

"Go in and see him."

He nods and hobbles past me. I sigh and turn back facing the fields, looking into the dark sky. I stretch my arms up and turn my upper half, cracking my back. I let out a loud yawn and know that I'm extremely exhausted from the search, giving blood and surgery.

I turn and walk back inside the house, hearing the sounds of Patricia's cries fill the air. I walk into the lounge room and take a seat on the lounge. I lay down on the lounge and use my arm to cover my eyes. I close my eyes for a moment and before I know it, it drift off into a not so dreamless sleep.


I sit by Carl on the edge of his bed, a stethoscope pressed against his chest as the sound of his strong heartbeat fills my ears. I pull the instrument away and put it around my neck, turning towards his anxious parents.

"His vitals are good, strong heartbeat. He's going to be just fine." I smile.

Carl begins to stir under my touch and opens his eyes, looking around wildly.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now