Chapter 64

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Gemma's P.O.V
I sit at the dinner table with Eric as Aaron walks around the kitchen making dinner for the three of us. I left Eric a little while after my visit and went home, finding a cute summer dress to wear. Though I'm not far along, it shows off the bump that I have. I arrived here at seven and the conversation has been flowing freely, making me like these guys even more.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" I ask for the fifth time.

"For the fifth time Gemma, no I don't. You're our guest, just sit and relax. Besides a pregnant lady shouldn't be standing in her feet all day." Aaron scolds.

I chuckle and take a sip of my water, "I'm not that far along for it to be a problem yet."

"I'm so excited for there to be another baby around! Judith is so adorable but she keeps getting hogged by the older folk. This way, I can come around and hold them anytime you want. Consider me a babysitter!" Eric says enthusiastically.

"I'll keep that in mind." I laugh.

Aaron goes to the fridge and opens it up, pulling out a bottle of red wine, "Thirsty anyone?"

He grabs three glasses and opens the bottle and my hand clamps on my thigh as I stare at the bottle. I close my eyes and take deep breathes as I hear the liquid being poured into the glass.

"Gemma?" Aaron asks.

I open my eyes and look at him, "Wine?" He offers.

I shake my head, "No thank you. I'm fine with water."

He nods and puts the bottle back in the fridge before turning back to dinner. Soon enough dinner is ready and he places it on the table. The kitchen and the dining room are facing to front of the house, a window to the street on the side.

Aaron looks out the window and turns to us, "Excuse me for a second."

I sit opposite Eric who begins to put the food on his plate. I reach forward and grab the tongs for the spaghetti when I hear footsteps approaching us. I look up and freeze in my spot, seeing someone I didn't expect. Daryl looks back at me, looking as handsome as ever.

"I hope you don't mind that Daryl joins us?" Aaron asks.

"Of course not, Daryl take a seat beside Gemma. Aaron go get another plate and wine glass." Eric says.

Aaron goes to the kitchen while Daryl walks over and pulls the seat out beside me. I look away from him and continue to put a fraction of food on my plate, suddenly not very hungry. Aaron rushes back in with Daryl plate, glass and a bottle of wine. I sit tensely in my seat, my leg brushing against Daryl. My breathing shallows slightly as I pick at my food, moving it around on the plate. Daryl piles food on his plate and begins to eat, making a lot of noise.

Aaron pours wine into Daryl's glass and I still, my hand gripping my fork tightly. I concentrate on my food, attempting to ignore the wine when I feel something on my leg. I look down and see Daryl's hand on my knee and I look over and see him eating as if nothing's happening. He gives it a gentle squeeze before pulling it away, eating his food.

"So tell us the story of how you guys met." Eric says.

"Eric-" Aaron begins.

"What? I want to know. Was it love at first sight?" Eric asks, leaning forward.

I snort and in the corner of my eye I see Daryl smirk, "Yeah, no. It wasn't love at first sight." I say.

"Then what happened? Don't leave out any details." Eric says.

"I am so sorry, Eric is a little nosy sometimes." Aaron apologises.

"It's fine. Um, we met near the beginning, after everything went to shit. I was with my dad and their group stumbled upon us." I say, not being too specific.

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