Chapter 21

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Gemma's P.O.V
I open my eyes to the sunlight filtering in through the car window. I shift in my seat and sit up, wondering where I am for a moment. I see Hershel asleep beside me and Carl asleep in the front. It takes me a minute to realise where we are and why we are here. Images of blood and gore fill my mind as I remember that the farm was overrun and we had lost people. I look forward and see Rick looking at me in the mirror, a blank look on his face.

"Where are we?" I whisper.

"On the highway. Near where we lost Sophia." He says in a monotonous voice.

"What happened Rick? Where's Shane?" I ask.

He looks up again and I see a flash of emotion cross his face. He glances over at Carl before he begins to speak, "He's dead."

"What?" I gasp. Even though Shane was an arrogant prick, I was saddened by his death.

"I killed him." He says, his eyes focused on the road.

"You what?"

"He had a gun on me. He lured me out there, tried to kill me." He says, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel.

"It was because of Lori wasn't it?" I say quietly.

He looks up, "How do you know?"

"Back at the CDC, Lori and I spoke." I say quietly.

He turns back to the road, his jaw clenched, "Yeah, well she would wouldn't she?" He grumbles.

"How are you doing?" I ask, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine." He says.

I chuckle to myself, leaning back in my seat. He glances at me, "What's so funny?" He asks, slightly irritated.

"Nothing, it's just you sound like me." I say, shaking my head.

After a moment, "He turned." He whispers.

"Did you shoot him in the head?" I ask.

"No..." He trails off confused.

"Well then of course he changed." I say, wondering why he didn't know that.

"So it's true." He whispers.

"What's true?" I ask.

"We're all infected. We will all turn either way." He states bewildered.

"Did you not know that?" I whisper in shock, how could they not know?

"I didn't know for sure. Your father told me before..." He trails off.

I look down at my hands as the familiar heartache echoes through my chest.

He pulls the car up beside the car where we left Sophia the note and supplies. I glance through the windshield and see that the supplies are still there as well as the note, waiting for the little girl that would never come. Rick proceeds to wake up Carl and I wake up Hershel and we get out of the car. The highway is just as I remember, empty and desolate, much like the state of our group.

"Where's mom? You said she'd be here. We gotta go back for her." Carl says as he searches desperately for his mother.

"Carl-" Rick begins to reason.

"No, why are we running? What are you doing? It's mom, we need to get her and not be safe a mile away!" Carl yells.

"Quiet! Alright, please?" Rick shushes the child.

"Please? It's mom." Carl begs, staring into his father's eyes.

"Carl listen-" Rick begins.

"No!" Carl cuts him off, walking away.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now