Chapter 49

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Gemma's P.O.V
I lean against the back wall, trying to hold back my tears as I watch people say their goodbyes. Bob lays on the couch in Gabriel's office with a thick sheen of sweat covering his forehead. He's been slipping in and out of consciousness throughout the night and we know he doesn't have long left until he turns. In the early hours of the morning, in a moment of sanity Bob demanded that things end his own way. A few hours later, we all stand around and watch him make his peace.

Maggie sits by his side and says her goodbye, "You'll always be with us. Apart of us."

She gets up and walks over to Glenn who puts a reassuring arm around her. As I watch them I can't help but be jealous, at least her husband was here to comfort her. I shake the negative thoughts away and slowly step towards Bob. I kneel down beside him and I feel the pools of water begin to fall down my cheeks.

"It's okay, I'm fine." He smiles, wiping the tears away.

I grasp his hand in mine and sniffle, placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand, "It should have been me."

"Don't say that. I was already dead anyway, but you... You need to take care of yourself. Promise me." He says, taking a deep breath.

"I promise." I say, placing a hand on his cheek.

I lean forward on my knees and place a kiss on his forehead, a tear falling on his face. He gives my hand a tight squeeze and I pull away from him. We all glance at Bob before heading towards the door, leaving him to be at peace. I walk out of the room and look around, seeing the blood stains on the wooden floors.

I ignore them and walk down the aisle and out of the church, sitting on the bottom step. I place my arms on my knees and rest my forehead on them, feeling emotionally drained. So much has happened over this last week. I think of Jeremiah and I begin to sob quietly, triggering thoughts of other tragedies. The Claimers attack, the Terminus attack, Daryl and Carol's disappearance, Bob's death.


I look up and meet eyes with the fiery red headed man on a mission. He looks down on me with concern, his head tilted to the side. I wipe my eyes and look up at him, "Abraham."

"It's times like these where I know that I have to appreciate the life I have. Finding Eugene and the cure to this whole mess, that's my way of appreciating this life. Doing something for the greater good." He explains.

I nod my head and look at him, wondering where this is going, "You should come with us."

My eyes bug wide as I look at the serious expression on his face, "You're kidding right?"

He shakes his head, "I've seen the way you fight, your strength and passion. That's something that would contribute greatly to a mission like this."

I close my eyes and give him am exhausted smile before opening them, "I believe that what you're doing is incredible, finding the cure and saving the world. You guys are like super heroes."

He smiles before his face becomes serious again, "But?"

"But I love my husband. I love this group. I can't just walk away." I say, standing up and walking till I'm in front of him. After a moment I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hug him tightly, "I hope that you get to Washington safely and save the world."

After a moment he awkwardly wraps his arms around me and pats my back. I pull away and look him in the eye and he smiles, "Once you find Daryl and Carol, you should come to Washington. Bring everyone with you."

I smile and nod my head, "I will."

He nods and walks back towards the bus, helping Rosita make last minute adjustments. I sit on the step for a very long time, my mind running wild. As I sit there, I wonder where Daryl is. I know that for him to leave suddenly must be important, but an irrational wave of hurt settles in my heart. He left me again without saying goodbye.

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