Chapter 65

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Gemma's P.O.V
He walks me backwards and pins me to the wall, my arms above my head. I stare into his eyes and see them cloud over and it radiates deep within me. His lips run from my neck to my jawbone, leaving kisses in his trail. My breathing is fast and shallow as I try to remove my hands from his restraint. His lips find mine again and his tongue slips into my mouth, exploring every crevice.

His other hand slides down my arm to my back, fiddling with the zipper at the top of the dress. He grips onto it and slowly moves it down, the fabric falling away from my heated skin. He lets go of my hands and I wrap them in his hair, pulling his face closer to mine. His hands move to my shoulders and pull the straps down my arms and I remove my hands from his hair long enough to tug it away. The fabric falls away and pools at my ankles on the floor.

My fingers leave Daryl's hair and go to his angel wing best, removing it from his body. My fingers work quickly down the buttons and I run my fingers underneath the shirt along his back. My fingers claw at his skin as his hands press me into his body. With difficulty, I eventually remove the shirt from his torso, giving me full view of his glorious body. His fingers run up my back to my bra and he easily pulls it off, tossing it to the floor.

I quickly work his buckle and I pull the jeans and underwear down and he steps out of them, taking his boots off in the process. His hands are on my hips and he hooks his thumbs into my underwear, sliding them down my legs. He slips them off and stands up, looking me in the eyes. He smiles at me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him again and he lifts me, I wrap my legs around his waist.

He walks us over and he lays us down on the bed, all the while still kissing me. His hands run up my sides and his thumb plays with one of my sensitive nipples. He trails his mouth down my neck to my peak and licks it softly, earning a moan from me. He gently takes it in his mouth and teases me, my fingers tugging at his hair.

"Daryl." I moan.

He smirks against my skin and gently bites it, causing my hips to buck forward. I flip us over, my hair fanning around my. I kiss him again, my hand trailing down his torso. My fingers reach his manhood and I grasp it, gently pulling on it. He groans and I smile against his lips as I begin to work him with my hand. I move my lips from his and nibble at his chin, pressing kisses occasionally. He is pulsing in my hand and I can tell that soon it will be too much for him to handle.

"Gemma, I-"

"I know baby." I whisper against his skin.

I move my hand more forcefully and soon enough he releases into my hand. He opens his eyes and looks at me, his hand reaching up and grabbing my face. He rolls us over and lifts his weight off of me. He kisses down my torso, creating a fire in its trail. He reaches my stomach and stills, his fingers gently caressing my bump. He whispers something but I can't hear him properly. I'm soon distracting by his lips below my waist. I gasp and arch my back, my hand gripping the pillow by my head. His hands are on my hips as he kisses my inner thigh, earning a reaction from my body. I become impatient and growl at him and he chuckles, pressing his lips where I want them. I moan loudly my eyes, squeezed tightly shut.

"Oh Daryl." I groan, my hips meeting his lips.

He continues to work away at a slow and steady pace. My breathing becomes louder and shallow if it's even possible. I feel the heavy feeling pressing down on me and I know that I'm not to far away from release. It begins to build and build until I can't hold it anymore. I scream out, my back arching off the band. My body shudders violently and I close my eyes, taking this sensation in. Daryl moves up my body until his face is close to mine and I open my eyes to look at him.

His hair is wild and unruly, causing him to look even sexier. I run my fingers through his hair and lift my lips to his. One of his arms move to my lower back the other tangled in my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck and slip my tongue in his mouth, all my love and passion pouring into the kiss. He moves his hips and slowly, he pushes himself into me. I gasp at the sensation, having not been used to it in so long. It hurts at first and I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing through the pain.

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