Chapter 35

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Gemma's P.O.V
8 Months Later
"Stop it, I have to go and help Karen." I say, turning my lips from his lips with my back pressed against the wall.

He trails his lips down my neck as his hands run up my side, "That can wait." He says huskily.

I moan as he sucks on my sweet spot, "No, I promised I'd help out."

"I barely get to see you anymore." He says, going back to my lips.

My hands wind in his hair as his tongue slips into my mouth and I moan as I feel him harden underneath me. Sensibility comes to my head and I push him back lightly, "Well soon enough you'll be tied to me forever and you'll be sick of me."

The side of his mouth turns up, "I can never be sick of you, Mrs Dixon." He says, pulling me against him.

"Not yet I'm not." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Soon enough, then you won't be able to keep me off you anymore." He says, kissing by my ear.

I move my lips to his ear and whisper seductively, "I think it'll be you trying to keep my hands off you."

I place on last kiss on his lips before I turn and walk around the corner into the quad. People sit around the tables of the outdoor eating area, talking and laughing. I smile at the sight and see Carol serving the food, she looks up and calls out to me, "You having any?!"

"I'm not hungry at the moment, save me some for later!" I yell back, cupping my mouth.

She nods her head and begins to fill the next bowl. I see Daryl walk from around the corner and his eyes lock with mine, a smirk on his face. I chuckle and walk down towards the fences where Karen and the others are. I pick up one of the weapons hanging on the fence and make my way down.

"Where have you been?" Karen asks, her eyebrow raised.

"Nowhere." I say, plunging the sharpened bat into the walkers head.

"Really? Cause the way your hair is ruffled up, I'd say you've been-" She begins before I cut her off.

"Stop." I say, taking down another.

"I don't know why you want to hide it. It's obvious that you and Daryl have..." She trails off.

I shake my head, "It's our business." I say.

"Whatever, you won't be able to deny it after tomorrow." She says, turning back to the fence.

I shake my head and continue taking down the walkers. In reality, Daryl and I hadn't slept together yet. I had been really nervous and had been putting it off. Clearly it wasn't my first time ever, but it is my first time with Daryl and I wanted it to be special. I had only ever slept with two people, Zach and Shane and look how well that turned out. Daryl felt the same way and hasn't pressured me into doing it. However after tomorrow, I won't be able to put it off but I now know I'm ready.

"Hey beautiful."

I turn and see Tyreese smiling at Karen with such love in his eyes. Not long after they got here from Woodbury, they started dating. He pulls her away and they begin to talk as I take down more walkers. I see them kiss and I smirk as she takes her position.

"What?" She asks, killing a walker.

"You and Tyreese? Surely you have..." I wiggle my eyebrows.

She scrunches up her mouth and shakes her head, "Get back to work."

I laugh and go back to taking down the walkers.


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