Chapter Twelve

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~•~•~•~ Later that day  ~•~•~•~ 

The door bell rang around 7 a few hours after the two got home and the door swing open on it's own as Wooyoung made his way into the living room from his office.

"I will never get used to that." Yeosang said, walking in and seeing San on the couch. He looked at Wooyoung and smiled happy to see his friend.

"I brought drinks." Yeosang said. "Let's talk about a few weeks ago when life was normal and now we have demons everywhere."

Wooyoung laughed. "It's not a bad thing."

"See you should be just at relaxed as Wooyoung right now." Hongjoong said, walking in with the chicken and other assorted foods that Yeosang bought to apologize for the mess he caused yesterday.

(Most of it was Hongjoong bribing Yeosang to keep part of the story hidden from Wooyoung.)

"Hyung. Don't." Yeosang said, as calmly as he could sitting down at the kitchen bar. He immediately opened up the chicken and two cans of beer and a bottle of soju and helped himself and Wooyoung.

Hongjoong and San sat in the living room leaving the two alone as Hongjoong pulled out a beer.

"Would you like some?" Hongjoong said with a mischievous smile on his lips. It was partly true that alcohol didn't affect demons but it wasn't true that it left them completely unaffected and Hongjoong wanted to see his demon king's reaction.

"No, I'll just have some chicken." San said, putting some chicken on Hongjoong's plate. 

"Have a sip for me? Please? You haven't tried it yet have you?" Hongjoong questioned with a small pout trying to be cute knowing that San might give in. (Just to make him stop acting cute). 

San hesitantly took the beer can examining it before having a sip. It was super bitter but he didn't mind the taste having another sip because he couldn't find the right words for it. 

"Here now try this." Hongjoong grinned (😈 <- actually him), as he handed him a cup of his finest strongest wine that he snuck in while Yeosang wasn't watching.

San took a sip of the wine and unlike his reaction to beer he finished the entire glass in one go.

"I knew wine was more your taste." Hongjoong smiled having a sip himself. San looked at him for more, his eyes wide in surprise and joy.

Hongjoong happily poured him another glass that San set in front of him and took the bottle drinking ever last drop. Hongjoong freaked out not being able to stop the other from drinking every drop as San set it down with a smile eating his chicken. 


Alcohol took a super fast effect on San but it wasn't noticeable until HongSang had left. At first, Wooyoung had assumed that San had fallen asleep on the couch but when he walked over to pick him up and take him to the room his eyes were still open.

"San?" Wooyoung called out looking at the other as his eyes started blankly and tiredly at the empty wine bottle.

"Hongjoong and Yeosang are gone do you-" Wooyoung began.

"Wooyoung why does everything feel cold?" San said, looking up at him with his half open eyes.

That was the first time that he'd said his name instead of calling him human and it took a moment for Wooyoung to process what the other said after his name. 

"You okay?" Wooyoung sat down next to San placing a hand on his forehead to take his temperature which turned out to be normal.

San shook his head no, holding onto too Wooyoung's hand and bringing it to his cheek.

"It's cold. But your hand feels warm." San said holding onto it gently.

"I'll get you a blanket." Wooyoung said, getting up once San let go of his hand nodding. Wooyoung ran back with a blanket wrapping it around the other who was shivering now as he sat in front of him on the ground.

"Is it warmer now?" Wooyoung asked, watching as San shook his head.

"Your hands are warm." San said, his eyes barely opening to see the other. "Can I hold them?" San asked, almost falling asleep.

Wooyoung nodded letting San hold his hand. San put a hand over Wooyoung's forehead wondering if he felt cold too. 

"You aren't cold?" San asked Wooyoung, feeling the warmth that he really needed.

San let his hand slide down to Wooyoung's cheeks and then down his arms.

"You're so warm." San slurred his shivering getting worse now. Wooyoung was panicking slightly, pretty sure that the other was drunk. He'd never taken care of a drunk demon so he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. 

But luckily for him, San did it for him sliding down onto Wooyoung's lap as his hands wrapped around his neck hugging him as he ditched the blanket all together. San smiled happily when the shivering finally stopped.

"Warm." San said, pulling away from the hug to look into Wooyoung's eyes the best he could.

His eyes fell on the others lips and for a moment Wooyoung's heart skipping a beat as San pouted.

"His lips must be warm too."

Wooyoung heard that, his heart acting up as he let the words echo in his head. 

"Sleep." San said as he fell backwards, Wooyoung catching him before he hit his head. "Woah careful."

"I'mmm sleepyy." San said, looking at the other. Wooyoung held onto his demon's shoulder watching him fall in and out of sleep.

"O-okay we can sleep." Wooyoung said, letting San rest his head on his shoulder.

"Could you wrap your arms around me? I don't want you to fall."

San nodded his hands wrapping around Wooyoung's neck as he closed his eyes again.

"Wine tastes nice." San said once Wooyoung set him down and wrapped him an extra thick layer of blanket. San didn't want to let go of the other's hand that he'd tried so hard to hold onto but the blanket was in the way. 

"Why did I tell you not to drink when I did?" San said, turning to his side to sleep, taking Wooyoung's hand with him.

Wooyoung smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Do you need anything?" Wooyoung said, making sure the other could breathe easily. 

By that time, San was already asleep letting go of Wooyoung's hand which he later found out was a big mistake as the cold took over him waking him up. 

"How strong was that wine?" San muttered to himself wrapping himself further into the blankets which didn't help. "And why is it so cold again?" San said, almost crying. He really hated the cold and who could blame him? He lived in hell his whole life not Antarctica. 

He felt around for another blanket, his hand brushing up against something warm as he yanked it closer and hugged it.

"I didn't know my teddy bear was so warm." San whispered, petting Wooyoung's hair. "Soft too."

Wooyoung who just finished his work and got yanked into a hug let out a small laugh.

He unwrapped San's hands that were around his neck and put San's head on his arm as he pulled the other closer wrapping his hand around San's waist to make sure he stayed warm and didn't die.

He to admit though he was bit drunk himself but he hoped he'd remember how the other used his name instead of just calling him human. 


Idk what I'm doing hehe 

Hope ya'll had a great start to the new year! 

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