Chapter Eighteen

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~•~ Meanwhile (Prior to Hongjoong getting to Yeosang's apartment)  ~•~

Wooyoung walked to the grocery store oblivious to the chaos that was going on at Yeosang's apartment and Hongjoong's office as he picked out some fresh ingredients for his dinner. He didn't know what he wanted to make yet but he was certain he was going to make at least 2 different dishes just in case his demon didn't like one. 

"Wait, didn't I want to go home? Why I am I going here at the store? San's home alone and-" Wooyoung took a moment to get his thoughts together but failed feeling a little confused.

"Didn't I want to make food though? What if he doesn't like either of them?" Wooyoung thought to himself as he bit his lip. "Then I'll order chicken."

Wooyoung continued shopping, giving some thought to the shadow figure that looked like Katie and a lot more thought to their trip. He was sure that San wouldn't use his powers as per their agreement but then again he was getting too comfortable with his own agreement to send San back home.

How long had it been since San got to Earth anyway?

Wooyoung couldn't remember putting a few sodas into his cart. Should he call Yunho about the Ouija board? He would have probably called him by now had he found anything so that wasn't it. Maybe he could do some research himself?

"Hey mister. What are you going to make with those?" A little kid asked, bringing Wooyoung's thoughts to an abrupt end.

"I'm not sure yet. Do you have any ideas?" Wooyoung asked, with a small smile as he went on shopping.

"No but can I come over for dinner one day?" The little kid asked. Wooyoung laughed at the comment. The younger generation really had gotten more bold hadn't they?

Wooyoung was about to respond up until he realized he'd seen those eyes somewhere before. It looked a lot like the taxi driver? Maybe a bit like Kaite's even?

Wooyoung suddenly felt a chill up his spine and he wanted to run but didn't know why. The feeling went away just like it came when he heard a woman's voice call out for the kid.

"Taejinah there you are stop scaring me like that!" A woman, who Wooyoung assumed was the child's mom, ran to them picking up the child who immediately started crying.

"Sorry." The lady said, Taejin looking at him briefly before walking away.

Wooyoung had to admit that was a bit weird and he was starting to get creeped out. He took out his phone dialing Changbin's number by heart as he waited for the other to pick up. It was a force of habit he guessed. Anytime he felt stressed or scared he'd just call the other and everything would be alright.

As soon as he realized what he was doing and hung up quickly hearing his name on the other end of the line.

Where the heck was his head these days??

He and Changbin had broken up and that was that. What was he doing calling him only because he got a little creeped out. What was he even doing at the store when he should have been at home??

Wooyoung's thoughts got cut off again as he suddenly decided he was done shopping, grabbing a bottle of soju as he sped to the checkout line that was mostly empty, completely missing the figure that was waiting for him at the exit as he ran out.

He waved down a taxi getting inside feeling even more confused.

Something was off about tonight. It almost felt like he was dreaming. Or something. He would never call Changbin and he wanted to go home. Not whatever he was doing.

"You're a lot harder than most people to possess, did you know that?" The taxi driver said, looking at Wooyoung through the rearview mirror. "I had to follow you halfway around the grocery store to be able to get inside your head. But someone else did do most of the work for me so I'm happy I even got to do this much."

"Who are you?" Wooyoung asked, feeling less dizzy than he did in the store but everything still felt a cloudy. 

"You can figure that out for yourself."' The demon said as he stopped possessing Wooyoung.

Wooyoung felt his head rush, his thoughts becoming his own again, as the situation became obvious. The shadow person that was haunting him, the one he saw in the corner that looked like Katie and the glint in the little kids eyes.

This guy must be something supernatural and judging by the fact he was possibly possed- 

"You're a demon right?" Wooyoung asked. He promised himself he would read and do research on every single supernatural thing he could think about once he got home at that very moment. 

"Bingo little buddy. You're dealing with a demon. Pleased to meet you." The driver said, appearing next to Wooyung in the back seat as the car drove itself.

"I don't feel the same." Wooyoung said, making up his mind to jump out of the car at the next light, while still trying to figure out what this demon wanted.

"I'm sure if you got to know me a little better you'd change your mind." The demon said, reaching over Wooyoung to lock the door, reading the others mind.

If this game was going to be fair he did have to tell the other that he could read his mind but that didn't matter until the game had actually started.

The demon tried to throw his hand over the other's shoulder only for Wooyoung to grab his hand and toss it roughly to the side. He laughed a little reading the others mind and smiling happily.

"Who's San huh?" The demon said, watching as Wooyoung's eyes grew wide despite his slight fear of the situation.

"Why do you wanna know?" Wooyoung asked, not knowing that the other was reading his mind. Instead he thought that it was someone looking for information on the other and that's why he was in the car in the first place.

But that was just the demon making him think that. As far as the demon knew, San was just the others roommate and nothing more. 

"So we can play a game." The demon said, taking back his control over Wooyoung with a bit of difficulty.

"You should have a drink." The demon said, returning to the driver's seat as he told Wooyoung to forget about their little conversation.

Wooyoung looked down at the bottle of soju that he didn't remember buying and opened it to take a quick sip. 


*sighs* Demons. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading and supporting the story thus far! I hope I can improve on it and bring you more interesting chapters to read in the future :) 

Please take care of yourselves and if you're stressed please make sure to take time for yourself <3  

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