We're dead soon?

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Wooyoung's heart rate shot up, wanting to get up seeing the red haired woman from the night before, taking out her dagger.

Siwon dug the barrel of the gun deeper into the side of his head, making him stop.

"I have a fast trigger finger." Siwon warned all his attention on Wooyoung. Whatever happened to the others was none of his concern.

"Much more your style." San said, the dagger to his throat as Han-gyeol circled around him with it, his eyes never leaving Wooyoung. 

Hongjoong felt like passing out but Seonghwa was the one who looked like he needed air and he needed it fast. Yeosang looked like he was going to have bruises from the grip of that beach who was holding him.

Wooyoung could die any second, San could maybe die too, who knew if Han-gyeol was in the mood, and all he wanted to do was get a damn cup of coffee and go back to sleep.

Wooyoung was the most at risk, but if Hyunyee suddenly wanted to snap Yeoasng's neck-

"Checkmate." Han-gyeol said, with a crazy smile, feeling the rush of excitement that she was dying to feel.

Seonghwa was beginning to see spots in his vision and if one of them didn't do something he was going to black out.

None of them could react faster than a gun though and the cop that had a gun to Wooyoung's head didn't even so much as look their way for a split second to give them a chance to get the gun out of his hand. 

"Isn't this the part where we negotiate a truce between both sides?" Yeosang said, biting Hyunyee's hand to talk. Wilson yanked his hair back, covering his mouth again as he kicked him in the stomach, making him fall on his knees.

The whole room began to shake, everyone looking over at Hongjoong whose eyes became a hollow black. He had to work on his temper sometimes he was usually a calm guy.

Siwon raised the gun to the side a bit, firing it, grazing Wooyoung's thigh before putting the gun back to his head.

Wooyoung hissed in pain, biting down on his lip to keep him from yelling. San's heart sank, Han-gyeol stopping him before he could run over to Wooyoung.

San stared at Han-gyeol who looked satisficed, about to let her do whatever she wanted if that's what it took to let Wooyoung go.

"Calm down Joong, it's not that serious." Shiber said, Seonghwa blacking out in his arms for a second.

He made sure that Hongjoong was looking, as his arms snaked down to Seonghwa's waist, wrapping around them as he lifted his shirt up trying to look for his dagger. Seonghwa rolled his eyes, promising himself to take a shower if he lived.

Han-gyeol stepped away from San, leaving him to look at Wooyoung who may have been crying.

"He's cute." Han-gyeol laughed, walking over to pinch Yeosang's cheeks. She finally got a reaction out of San like she wanted because of him.

"I'd be happy to talk once Wooyoung over there says his final words." Han-gyeol said. Yeosang might as well have been a ghost, yelling into Wilson's hand and trying to fight him to no use. 

Wooyoung heard his heartbeat echo in his ears, his breath getting caught in his lungs. He didn't know if he should think of a way out, call his friends and tell them that life is short, or use his brain to think up some good last words.

He could ask to see if San was going to be okay and then get shot but they wouldn't let him so that was a no. 

Han-gyeol, felt a sharp sting on her arm, blood dripping down to her fingertips. She looked up at San who had the dagger Shiber was looking for in his hand holding it up to her throat for a change.

"Let them go." San said, Han-gyeol letting out a little huff.

"You'd kill me twice just to save him?" Han-gyeol asked, giving Siwon the signal to kill Wooyoung. It was a petty move but she felt insulted.

A shot rang out, Yeosang screaming into the hand that was covering his mouth, thankful that he was on the ground because his knees would have given out and he would have crashed onto Wooyoung's lamp and his ghost would have haunted him forever. 


*not me thinking that the shrug chapter got published but Wattpad had other ideas* 

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*not me thinking that the shrug chapter got published but Wattpad had other ideas* 

Sorry that the recent chapters were out of order... loki trying to get as much done for you guys before my midterms straggle me :(

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