Chapter Eighteen Pt. 2

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~•~ Meanwhile (Same time as Yeosang getting possessed) ~•~

Wooyoung ran up the stairs two at a time, having possibly drunk a whole bottle of soju on the ride home. Maybe even more than that but he didn't even remember buying any on his way out or drinking it in the car. And sure as heck he didn't remember telling his pin number to the stranger that dropped him off at his apartment saying that he'd come back to play with him later.

Whatever that meant.

He looked through his groceries making sure he got everything he wanted and put them back into their places. He had a feeling he had forgotten something- or someone even?

But who was he forgetting?

"You forgot this downstairs." The guy, who he had no clue who he was, said walking into his living room. "I think these are the carrots you needed for what you were making tonight? Our dinner date, remember?"

Wooyoung thought back to the little kid who asked if he could come over for dinner.

"You don't look like a little kid. Changbin I forgot what I wanted to make. Could you order chicken?" Wooyoung said not entirely sure of what he was saying. The guy didn't even look like Changbin.

He knew he was forgetting something. Something that started with S.

Salmon? Squash? Sushi?

Wooyoung looked at the person in front of him who looked like he was mad and confused? Not as confused as he was though.

"You're right I'm confused as to why you're acting like this when other humans don't and I'm mad because you keep trying to fight with me." The demon said, walking up to Wooyoung who didn't hear a thing he had said. "It's so hard to get into that pretty brain or yours."

The demon appeared next to him patting Wooyoung's hair with a smile.

Wooyoung looked down at the granite countertop and around the room. It didn't look like his place at all. Did he redecorate while he was out??

But come to think the taxi he got into wasn't even really a taxi was it?

And as far as the things he could remember Changbin didn't start with S did it? Where was he?

"I think you should rest on the bed." The guy said, wrapping his hand around Wooyoung's waist, as he helped him to the bedroom. Wooyoung didn't like that, deciding to try and wobble away but failed. 

"I want to go home. Dinner later. Bye." Wooyoung said, finally removing the hand around his waist as he held onto the door frame to leave.

"You are home." The guy said, with a now familiar voice that Wooyoung recognized but didn't know who it belonged to.

He was sure it started with an S. The more he tried to think the more dizzy his head got and the more confusing everything else got. 

Wooyoung pouted, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried to remember who the voice belonged to. It was only three letters so why was it so hard to remember! 

"Maybe you should get some rest." The guy said, making his appearance look like even more like the other's roommate a.k.a San. 

Wooyoung opened his eyes not knowing who was in front of him or why he wanted to listen to him.

"Who are you and why are you so familiar?" Wooyoung asked, still standing in the doorframe. He closed his eyes remembering part of what happened in the car just before he got out.

"Let's play a game shall we? I'll take your memories one by one and keep them unless you can guess the person I made you forget. If you don't I'll give you brand new ones."

Wooyoung walked into the room smiling as he put his hands on his roommate's shoulder. So this was all a game and the person he was trying to remember was the guy in front of him who looked like-

Something that started with S and was only three letters. 

"I won't talk much when we get upstairs so use that pretty brain of yours to think of something."

Wooyoung shoved the other out of the room slamming the door on his face as he locked it. He needed alone time to think of the one he was forgetting about.

"Getting me drunk wasn't a part of the game so this counts!" Wooyoung shouted, sliding down to the ground as he pulled out his phone. His head was dizzy and everything was fuzzy. 

If this guy was his roommate then he would have a picture of him right? He knew his name started with S and that it was only three letters but what else?? 

"Fine. Did you remember our deal?" The voice on the other end said. This human was testing the patience he never knew he had up until now. 

Frustrated that pictures were too blurry Wooyoung got up, letting his phone drop to the floor as he turned around towards the door.

"Give me a hint." Wooyoung said. Why was everything so confusing?

The guy on the other end of the door appeared in front of him which didn't scare Wooyoung because he was too busy trying to remember who it was that he forgot.

"You'd be more comfy on the bed. Let me help."

He looked like someone he knew but he really couldn't tell who it was. Wooyoung pushed himself off the door, walking to the bed himself and plopping down on it.

Trying to remember physical things didn't look like it would help so he thought about how it felt like to be with the one he forgot about the frustrating feeling of not knowing washing away.

When he thought about the someone whose name started with S and only had three letters in his name, he felt mad at himself sometimes because he couldn't keep his promise but when he looked at the other did he even want him to go?

"Are you done? Remember this game is timed." The other demon said, sitting down beside him on the bed. He reached out his hand to hold Wooyoung's cheek trying his best to pass as the other's roommate.

"Thinking." Wooyoung said, rejecting his hand again.

The demon frowned, maybe the two roommates didn't have that kind of relationship?

The demon changed tactics, making himself look like the Changbin person Wooyoung used to like or something. He had only done enough research to get what he wanted and nothing more.

"Is this better? Do you prefer him?" The demon said, using Changbin's voice. Wooyoung who's eyes were focused on the ceiling turned around to look at him.

"Changbin?" Wooyoung asked, sleepily not rejecting the others hands as it came to rest on his cheek.

Seeing the other Wooyoung knew that he was dreaming because there was no way that Changbin would come to see him.

But come to think of it. It looked like he was at Changbin's apartment.

"Hi baby." The other said, lightly petting Wooyoung's cheek. "Did you have a bad dream?"

For a moment, Wooyoung let himself remember everything about the times that Changbin and him had been together and then their breakup. Maybe it was all just a bad dream?

"Pinch me." Wooyoung said, looking up at the other not wanting to look at anything else. Changbin just smiled pinching the other on the arm lightly before placing a kiss on top of the spot.

"You did have a bad dream. I'll go get dinner ready maybe that'll cheer you up." Changbin said, getting up to leave. Wooyoung held onto his arm bringing him down on top of the bed with him.

The demon smiled to himself not messing up on his second try.

He was going to win this game for sure. 


Hope you all enjoy ~

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