San makes Yunho forget

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~•~ The Next Day ~•~

Yunho woke up to go to work around 7, picking up his phone to read the chat and check his schedule. He set his phone down on the counter after reading the text from Honjoong that read that the trip was canceled and pouted trying to not cry.

They had all really been looking forward to this trip but it's not like it hadn't happened before. Yunho quickly cheered up getting an idea as he picked up his phone again to call Mingi.

"What's up babe?" Mingi said playfully, making Yunho blush a bit. The two weren't actually a couple yet. Yunho walked out his door, locking it as he walked to the parking lot. 

"We need to cheer up the crew." Yunho said, with an evil grin on his face, ignoring the blush on his cheeks. 

"I'll get the snacks and the karaoke playlist ready to go." Mingi said, sharing the evil grin that Yunho had on his face.

"Okay I need to drop off something for Wooyoung first, and I'll pick you up afterwards." Yunho said, hanging up after hearing Mingi say a quick "see you then."

"This is going to cheer everyone up for sure." Yunho thought as he got into his car. He looked at his passenger seat happy to find the Ouija board was still strapped into place by the seat belt.

It had been a long time since he used the board but every since that night and Wooyoung coming over to find it, an endless cycle of him finding the board then losing the board and then finding the board began until FINALLY he found it on the edge of his roof last night again.

He had waited the entire night just to make sure that it didn't disappear again so that he could finally give it to Wooyoung. Yunho took out his phone taking a picture of the board and sending it to Wooyoung along with a message that read be there soon to give this thing to ya. 

"This is going to be a big surprise! I hope it cheers up everyone." Yunho thought, not knowing that he was going to be surprised too. 

~•~•~•~ Meanwhile ~•~•~•~

San woke up to the sound of the shower running and someone ringing the doorbell repeatedly as if that would make him open it faster.

San rolled out of bed wrapped inside a thick blanket as he made his way to the door to see who it was. The doorbell had rung a total of fifteen times and San was going to ignore it or use his powers to break the doorbell so no one would ring it.

But since his human was taking a shower and it might have been an important delivery, San decided he could sleep more later.

San opened the door with a small pout, his messy green hair fixing itself as he greeted the tall blonde haired person with a simple hello. 

"Hello." Yunho said, surprised to see someone at Wooyoung's house wrapped in his friend's  blanket. 

"Who are you?" Yunho and San asked each other at the same time, as they checked each other out subtly. 

Wooyoung had perfect timing for once in his life as he made his way into the living drying his hair with a small yawn.

"San who-" Wooyoung made eye contact with Yunho looking down at the Ouija board in his hand then back up at him.


"I brought the board." Yunho said with a nervous smile looking at Wooyoung and San who kept looking at each other and then at him. 

"What board?" San said asked, looking down at Yunho's hands that were holding air. 

Wooyoung freaked out not seeing the board the he clearly saw in Yunho's hand seconds ago as Yunho just sighed knowing that this might happen. 

That about set the score of the not so epic game  "Yunho vs. A Board" to Oujia Board 30. Yunho 0.5. 

The board had to stop disappearing honestly it was not making his life an easier. 

"Erase his memories." Wooyoung let out panicking, as San nodded erasing the others memory without much objection. 

San shut the door quietly, Wooyoung coming over to him. 

Yunho stood behind Wooyoung's door, as Wooyoung looked through the peep hole at his friend.  He looked confused looking down at his hand to realize the board wasn't there before looking at his watch. 

"I should pick up Mingi." Yunho said, running down the stairs. "I really hate that board." 

Wooyoung sighed happy that he other was gone. 

"Thank you for that." Wooyoung said, looking up coming face to face with the other.  San just nodded messing up his hair again as he wobbled to the couch for a nap. 

He couldn't fall asleep anyways. 

Wooyoung wanted to join him but decided it was better to make breakfast and enjoy his morning before he went to work. 


Yunho almost found out about San hehe and spring always makes me sleepy so that was mainly what I was thinking about while writing this :) 

College is strangling me and a word advice ya'll choose a major that you can actually LIKE not one that you can tolerate but one that you actually LIKE and if there is family pressure... change it anyways but don't tell them until you graduate! No one has to know! Taking classes are going to be so so so so soooooo hard if you don't like the subject. 

Anywho hope you all liked the chapter and sorry for any errors ~

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