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Wooyoung parked his car, getting out of the car calmly. He locked the car door, walking over to the elevator to get to his apartment, stopping mid-way.

Wooyoung shut his eyes screaming in frustration as he thought about Changbin.

7 hours.

Changbin kept him working for 7 more freaking hours than he had to all because he overheard him inviting the group to dinner. Not to mention his early meeting ending late since he was the one who had to clean up and print the remaining papers. 

The guy also had the audacity to give Mingi, Jongho and Yeosang overtime too, Yunho having disappeared for the afternoon so he probably avoided that fate or ended up with a worse one.

Wooyoung got into the elevator, getting out once the doors opened and walked over to his apartment.

He couldn't even take the two out for ice cream since it was almost midnight. 

He let out a sigh, punching in his pin number as he walked in. 

Hopefully everything will be okay. 

"Hi." Wooyoung said, finding San on the couch watching a drama wrapped up in a blanket.

Seonghwa was sleeping on the balcony,  the windows wide open, the cat watching over him protectively. 

San looked over at him with, turning off the tv, as all his attention fell on his human. He got up walking over to him, putting his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to fire him?" San asked, Wooyoung smiling as he looked down at him. 

And by firing him, San meant actually setting him on fire but his human didn't have to know. 

"Yeah." Wooyoung said,  even though that sounded like a wonderful idea. San looked up at him with a pout, asking him to change his mind. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you two out." Wooyoung said, San standing up straight as he looked at him. 

"It's not your fault don't apologize." San said, with a smile. 

He turned around walking over to where Seongwha was, throwing his blanket over him. The cat watched him closely as San lifted Seonghwa up carefully, carrying him to the guest room. 

Seeing Seonghwa and Wooyoung both so exhausted made him sad. 

"How was work?" San asked, walking into the living, Wooyoung having gone into his room to change. 

San sat criss-cross on the couch, his back against the arm rest admiring his little keychain that his human bought him as the cat walked to Seonghwa's room. 

"Is it okay if I use the word hell to describe it?" Wooyoung asked, walking back into the room having changed into sweatpants and hoodie, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to San.

"Yeah." San said, scooting over to hug Wooyoung, petting his hair softly. If it was hell he needed a hug.

Wooyoung was a bit caught off guard, hugging back as his troubles almost disappeared in the other's arms. He didn't even know he needed a hug.

San held onto Wooyoung, feeling him calm down, both his breath and heartbeat slowing down.

Wooyoung could sleep right there  in San's arms and he wanted to so badly, trying to come up with a reason not too. 

San let go of Wooyoung, pulling back a bit to look into his human's eyes, his hands still wrapped around his neck.

San gave him a small smile, still petting his hair.

"You're doing great Wooyoung. Even if it's tough now it'll be better." San said, his dimple showing. "You can lean on me the same way I lean on you."

Wooyoung stopped working, his heart going weak, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a long while as he tried to figure out what the heck it was that San made him feel.

Wooyoung couldn't even try and describe it though, letting the tears talk for him. San's smile fell seeing his human cry, his smiling eyes turning worried, as he brought one of his hands up to wipe the tears away.

Wooyoung scooted in, hugging San's waist as he put his head on his shoulder hiding in the crook of his neck to cry and be close to the other.

"Thank you." Wooyoung said, his voice muffled by San's pjs as he sniffled, hugging San tighter.

He still had no idea how he was feeling but he was pretty sure he had enough energy to take over the world. 

Little did he know he could rule the world if he wanted to by asking San. 

Wooyoung was the first to break the hug, scared that he might actually fall asleep on the other's shoulders. 

He smiled at San getting up, but stopping when San held his hand pulling him back down as he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's neck. 

Wooyoung had no idea where the thought came from but he wanted to kiss San. 

The way he was looking at him was giving him butterflies.  

"Five more minutes?" San asked, looking into Wooyoung's eyes, hoping his human would stay. 

Wooyoung smiled at him, leaning down to kiss San's cheek as he sat back down hugging his demon.

"Ten more minutes." Wooyoung said, happily letting San snuggle closer to him. 


Sorry for any errors everyone! 

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