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After about a half hour of making sure that San knew that he was going to be okay and that he wasn't going anywhere, he gave up letting San hug him as much as he wanted to.

Wooyoung sat on the couch, San sitting next to him with his arms around his waist, staring up at him as Wooyoung stared right back, petting San's hair.

"You aren't dead right?" San asked, holding the other closer. He could hear Wooyoung's heart  beat but he still didn't believe it.

"Nope, I'm alive." Wooyoung said with a small smile.

"But you staring at me like that might be the death of me."  Wooyoung thought, getting lost in San's eyes.

San hesitantly let go of Wooyoung's waist, leaning back as Wooyoung kept playing with his hair. 

He didn't disappear, he had a heartbeat, and he was breathing. 

Everything that a human had to have to be considered alive.

San let out a sigh of relief, hugging Wooyoung one last time before letting go of the other.

Wooyoung had to catch his breath, having never been hugged that hard in his life.

"Just making sure. Where did you want to go?" San said, now smiling as he looked up at his human who was in fact very much alive.

Wooyoung's smile fell a little missing San in his arms as he freaked out realizing what he was thinking.

Was he?

Noooooo. No way.

Nuh uh.






Him catching feels?

All three words in the same sentence?

Nooooo impossible.

Nope no way.

Wooyoung kept denying it, sending the thought deep into the back of his mind, as he and San appeared in the car San wanting to get out of the house as soon as possible. 

Wooyoung was about to back up when he saw his neighbor that was supposed to be on vacation wave at him, before heading to the elevator.

He debated having a heart attack but he had suffered from too much stress that day so he waved back and drove out of his parking space.

His neighbor would fine.

"Are you okay with bugs?" Wooyoung asked, looking over at San who nodded.

For most of the drive, Wooyoung pointed out things that he thought San would find interesting, stopping anywhere that San asked him to, the two exploring a bit of the city. The rest of the drive they listened to songs that helped San relax and wonder if this morning really all had been a dream.

Nope, the fear of losing Wooyoung was definitely too real to call it a dream.

"Wooseok and his song choices." Wooyoung said, shaking his head as Baby Don't Like it came on. He had taste.

San looked at Wooyoung with a small frown, looking away once he looked at him. Wooyoung smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he reached out to take San's hand.

"It's not like that." Wooyoung said, San looking down at Wooyoung's hand that was holding his, before looking up at him. 

"It wasn't a real date, we faked it so Jongho wouldn't get upset about it later." Wooyoung said, seeing the street sign that led to where he wanted to take San.

San grew a little happy, feeling a slight hint of comfort at the fact that the date wasn't real. Still didn't mean that Wooyoung liked him back though. 

Wooyoung, on the other hand, was panicking as he realized that he reached out to take San's hand naturally without even having to think about it.

Another sign that he was starting to like San.

Wooyoung slammed on the breaks, San looking over at him slightly surprised that he did that when there was no need to.

"We're here!" Wooyoung said, parking the car in the middle of the street since no one cared there anyway.

~•~•~•~ Meanwhile At the Brain Storming Session ~•~•~•~

The cat sat there staring at the ones who were coming up with a name for it wondering if any of them knew what they were doing.

"How about Azrael?" Seonghwa suggested, the cat giving him a bro-you-serious look.

"That's the angel of death hyung. This little cutie wouldn't even hurt a fly." Mingi said, the cat smiling at him.

"Yeah but maybe a living room and someone's face." Seonghwa mumbled, laying back down on his back to think.

"How about Leo?" Jongho suggested, the cat shaking its head as he started to play with a ball of light that was running across the room thanks to the other.

"Loki?" Yunho said, the cat stopping to appreciate the name.

"Malacoda?" Seonghwa said, looking at the backwards cat with a small smirk. The cat looked annoyed, running over to jump on Seonghwa's chest before running back to Mingi, as a sign of protest. For the most part, he didn't reject the name.

"Angelina?" Yeosang suggested, the cat stopping whatever he was doing to admire the name. Seonghwa turned to look at Yeosang, wanting to know where he got that name from.

"You mean Angelo?" Jongho asked, Yeosang shaking his head.

"He is actually a she." Yeosang said, not knowing how they all didn't know.

"I don't think she minds though." Yeosang added on, as he petted the cat. The cat seemingly fluent in the human language nodded, going back to play with Mingi.

He was adorable.

"How about Snowball. She's so fluffy." Mingi said, hugging the cat again. 

Yunho looked at the cat, liking the name, but he felt that something was missing. 

"How about Midnight Snowball?" Jongho suggested, watching as the cat instantly fell in love, its eyes growing a bit. 

"Midnight Snowball it is." Yeosang said, circling the name before closing his notebook and looking at the time.

They could hang out in the park, for the cat's sake since it's fur was getting soaked. 

All they had to do was get through gatekeeper Bae. 


Happy Late Birthday Atiny! I missed you guys :( 

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