A Little Jealousy

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Mingi, Yunho, and San all sat side by side, looking out the window of the coffee shop watching the two pinky promise each other something before going their separate ways.

"That was a huge success." Yunho said, sipping on his drink as he swung his legs back and forth on the café stool.

"I'd say." Mingi said, also sipping his drink, San quietly sitting in the corner.

The two of them were really surprised, since they hadn't seen Wooyoung like that in the longest time.

"We should go find Jongho and thank him." Yunho said, Mingi nodding before the both got up, heading over to Yeosang who was still at the counter to order something for Jongho, who left to hide in a store across the street. 

San sat by the window a bit more, watching as his human looked up from a text he had gotten with a smile. 

He watched as Wooseok turned around, running up to his human to shove him playfully making him laugh. 

His eyes started to glow even brighter as he watched the other play fight with his human, putting his fists up in the air and throwing out a few punches. 

San tried to stay calm, poking the side of his cheek with his tongue as he grabbed his drink and used his powers to appear next to Wooyoung.

He couldn't help himself. 

Wooseok actually screamed, jumping away from Wooyoung who yelled and jumped back holding his hand over his heart.

So this was the showdown that him and Wooyoung were talking about.

He looked over at San for a moment, sizing him up as he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. The other just titled his head, taking a sip of his coffee as he stared him down through his sunglasses.

Wooseok took a step back, as San took a step towards him looking over at Wooyoung for help. 

Wooyoung was right, he might loose this fight. In his defense, the last time he had gotten into a fist was in the late to early 2000's which was like 10 years ago.

He also didn't want to make a scene in front of the café he frequented at but if it was to prove Wooyoung wrong he'd do it.

San stopped a few inches away from the human, Wooseok's back hitting the wall next to the café entrance.

He set his drink down on the ground, grabbing Wooseok's shoulders as he pushed him towards the alley way nearby.

"Oh good, a private fight." Wooseok said, trying to remind himself of the unspoken code in a fight which was to avoid any sensitive areas as a sign of respect for your opponent.

Losing a fight was one thing, but playing dirty and losing your honor was another.

Instead of a fight though, San counited to look at him, poking his stomach checking for abs and making him do a full spin before leaning in to stare into his eyes.

Wooseok brought his hands up covering his chest as he felt naked under San's gaze, his heart racing at the eye contact. 

"What do you have that I don't?" San thought, staring at the human more closely.

San let out a sigh, walking over to pat Wooseok on the shoulder making him flinch. 

"Thank you for making Wooyoung laugh today." San said, with a smile, Wooseok looking up at him in surprise.

"Uh- your welcome." Wooseok said. What a way to thank someone.

Wooyoung felt his heart flutter and sink, hearing what San thought and said.

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