The Creep from the Station

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This was the second time San found himself handcuffed and in the back of a police car with the exception of the others being in a separate car with an officer in the front seat, Mingi driving and the others in the back.

One of the karaoke place staff had called the cops fearing that the fight was gonna get worse which was why they all needed to go to the station. 

He understood that part, but why did this particular officer handcuff him and take him to a seperate car when Yunho wasn't looking?? There was enough room in the car. Why did the guy lie?

"Why did you say I had a criminal history when I didn't?" San asked, looking at the back of the officers head. His human might be upset at him for going to the police station again.

"How else could I get you all to myself?" Siwon {I'm tired of using the officer for the guy} said with a smirk. San watched as Siwon purposely slowed down, making sure to let a few cars go ahead of them before turning away from the police station altogether.


Yunho looked behind them to see if the police car was still behind them. San may have been a demon but he seemed too naive to understand the intentions of humans.

"The other car isn't behind us." Yunho said, the officer in the front looking back at him in the mirror.

He had a serious bad feeling about this and he couldn't shake it off. Jongho seemed to notice it too.

"I'll dispatch him right now." The officer said, talking out his walkie talkie.

Yunho sat back into his seat, starting to get worried.

"Text Yeosang and Wooyoung." Yunho whispered to Jongho who was already typing away. Mingi looked into the rear view mirror catching on to what was happening.

Plan B78 in case Yunho gets a bad feeling was now into action. (Yunho rarely felt bad unless it was for a good reason.)

"Officer I don't see how this reasonable." Mingi said, slamming on the breaks giving Jongho enough time to jump out of the car and run away. 

As soon as Jongho, was out Mingi stepped on the gas not giving the officer enough time to jump after him. 

Jongho made it to the end of the street away from the police car just in time to see where the other police car was heading. He whipped out his phone calling San as he flagged down a Taxi to go after them, almost sprinting into the car. 

"Follow that police car please." Jongho said, hanging up on the call and calling San again. He was so happy he had got the other's number that morning to send him the pictures they took with each other. 

Jongho hit the dashboard not being able to reach San as he kept an eye on the police car that they were getting closer too. 

"How would you like a job at a fine company?." Jongho asked, looking at the driver. 

~•~ Meanwhile ~•~

Wooyoung practically flew up the police station stairs, having gotten the call from Yunho. Once he got there, he ran to Namjoon's office where he saw Changbin and friends,  and his own  friends but he didn't care about any of them frankly trying his best to not to scream. 

"Where is he?" Wooyoung asked, out of breath from running so much. Yeosang ran in after, shortly after completely out of breath, holding on to the doorway as he tried to process what was going on and get a hold of Hongjoong at the same time. 

"We're about to go there now-." Namjoon said looking down at his phone. "We found his car."

"Wooyoung-" Yunho tried to explain but Wooyoung didn't even look at him, grabbing Namjoon's phone to read the location, before trying to bolt out the door, Yeosang stopping him. 

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