Chapter Fifteen

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~ The Group Chat ~

Jongho 🍎

I'll bring blankets. Whose car are we taking?

Yunho 🐶

Wanna take mine?

Mingi 😇

There're six of us. Where do I sit?

Jongho 🍎

On Yunho's lap. Duh.

Mingi 😇

Not a bad idea 🤔

Yunho 🐶

Not bad at all 👀

Yeosang 🍗

Make that 7 ya'll. Wooyoung is bringing someone.

Yunho 🐶

Ahhh can't wait to meet them!

Jongho 🍎

Can he bring snacks too?

Mingi 😇

Who? And Hongjoong's coming too right?

Yunho 🐶

Snacks are good. And yeah let me add him to chat.

Jongho 🍎


~ Hongjoong 😈 has entered the chat ~

Hongjoong 😈

Hello everyone... who has the list of who's bringing what? And we can take my car that way everyone will fit.

Jongho 🍎

I'm sure Mingi was looking forward to sitting on Yunho's lap the entire drive. And idk who does?

Yeosang 🍗

His leg could go numb. And how do you have Hongjoong's number?

Jongho 🍎

They can take turns.

Yunho 🐶

He needed to review my project and that's how I got it.. no need to be jelly. And I'm with our gummy bear. Taking turns is nice.

~ □ ~

Wooyoung turned off his phone with a smile. Luckily no one pointed out how quiet he was in the chat when normally he'd pitch in a thing or two.

Wooyoung looked over at San, about to ask if he wanted to go with him to the store for snacks when he realized that the other was fast asleep.

With a small smile on his face, Wooyoung got up careful not to wake up San as he picked him up bridal style, taking him to their room and tucking him in under layers and layers of thick blankets just in case.

He went to the window nook to pick up San's plushies when he spotted a dark figure on the street below looking up at him with red eyes. Despite the chill that ran down his spine, Wooyoung squinted getting closer to the window as he tried to get a better look at the figure only to have the dark thing and its red eyes disappear within seconds.

Was he seeing things??

Wooyoung shrugged not knowing that he only felt safe because San was with him. He grabbed San's plushie laying it down next to him as he scoot the teddy bear that they kept on the bed closer to him too.

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