Chapter Seventeen Pt. 2

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~•~ Meanwhile ~•~

Hongjoong used his powers to appear in front of Yeosang's apartment practically slamming on his door as he tried to calm down his fears. Was he too late?

Kaite huffed inside wondering who the idiot was that bothered her play time. She made Yeosang walk back inside from the window ledge he was sitting on and told him to grab a knife from the kitchen and run to greet whoever was at the door.

She had been nice enough (as if) to give Yeosang his awareness back which made a human know that they were being possessed. 

"Oh great now I'm going to murder my landlord. Someone search up how long that's going to get me." Yeosang said, wanting to be on the ledge again.

He wasn't afraid of heights that much but that still wasn't an excuse to not get nervous especially when you have no control over your own actions.

But now that he was going to murder someone he really did miss the view he had.

"See who it is from the peep hole." Kaite said, with a giggle floating behind him as Yeosang did exactly that internally screaming.

Yeosang wanted to cry seeing Hongjoong on the other side of the door, wishing that the one behind the door would have been his landlord. He wanted to yell at him to get away or something but he couldn't reaching down to grab the door knob.

"Yank him in and stab him, pretend everything's fine." Katie giggled hysterically, knowing she would be laughing her head off seeing the lifeless body on the floor. (That is psychotic why am I writing this sheesh let me know if I should add warnings please I am new to writing in general so I would love your feedback!). 

Yeosang didn't immediately listen to Kaite which made her mad and increase her power over the other.

"I'm not opening the door." Yeosang said as loud as he could, which was barely above a whisper. Before he could try to warn Hongjoong in any other way the door swung open.

"Hyung." Yeosang said, with a fake small smile as he started to tear up.

Hongjoong hugged the life out of Yeosang not caring about anything else other than the fact that he was safe and still alive.

"Run." Yeosang let out before he raised the knife to stab Hongjoong.

Kaite was laughing her head off in the corner loving the scene that was unfolding before her eyes as she told Yeosang to kill the other.

She couldn't finish that thought though a blunt force knocking her head off her shoulders and caving her head in as it rolled away to a corner.

San yanked Yeosang away from Hongjoong holding him in a back hug as he struggled to get away. Yeosang managed to let go of the knife himself watching as it fell to the floor as he still struggled for control. 

"Grab the knife human, and don't rest until you kill him." Katie said, trying to find her body. Little did she know she wasn't messing with a human and a simple demon. 

"Who are you two to come in here and mess with my fun anyways?" Katie said, crossing her arms and glaring at the two. 

"Hongjoong." San said, looking at his friend, not sure how much longer he could hold back Yeosang with a human body.

Thankfully he still had his demon strength but that only worked on demons. (Rules bleh no help in these situations).

Hongjoong let himself snap not caring about who or what was around. Shiber almost hurt Yeosang and their trip was canceled so he had plenty to be mad about.

He rolled up his sleeves walking towards Katie who didn't even look startled trying to fix her head.

"I've had a rough day and I am going to take all my anger out on you." Hongjoong said, his skin turning a dark shade of red as his eyes turned hollow and black.

San covered Yeosang's eyes, feeling Yeosang stop in his arms his face turning a pale white. A demon's true form was not a sight to see for other demons let alone humans.

Kaite turned a pale white herself wanting to run away as soon as she saw Hongjoong backing up into a corner.

"Let go of him." Hongjoong said, grabbing the demon by her arm and almost crushing it with his strength. Katie let out a horrible scream that echoed in Yeosang's ears. 

"Yes of course I'm sorry." Kaite spluttered out, letting Yeosang go completely. "I'm so sorry I didn't know he was yours and-"

Katie kept on babbling about how she will never possess another human again and how she doesn't want to go into limbo and Hongjoong should let her go and that she was sorry.

San knew it was pointless though. Hongjoong didn't forgive people who messed with those he cared about. Often times that meant that someone was going to end up dead. 

"Hongjoong stop!" Yeosang yelled, breaking free from San and running to Hongjoong. He grabbed his arm pulling him away from Kaite who was bawling her eyes out. He kept his terror to himself looking up at Hongjoong's black and hollowed out eyes.

"Limbo is scary, remember." Yeosang said, holding both of the demons hands now. "The punishment needs to fit the crime."

"She hurt you." Hongjoong said his voice no longer sounding like his own.

"You were the one about to get stabbed so-" Yeosang said, closing his eyes for a few seconds. Demon faces took a while to get used to.

Hongjoong noticed this and quickly went back into human form, letting go of Yeosang and dragging Kaite somewhere.

"I wish I could unsee that. I'm going to have nightmares. I love the guy but that was a bit too much." Yeosang said, saying everything that came to mind which was an after effect of being possessed. (Did I make that up? Yes, yes I did.) 

"I can wipe away your memory for you." San suggested patting Yeosang on the back, not forgetting that he was here to find Wooyoung. 

"Yeah maybe later. Could you get Hongjoong for me?" Yeosang said, holding his head as the room began to spin. "I don't feel so well." 


What's your guys favorite track of the album? 

I can't just choose because I'm stuck in Inception era and it's gonna be a while till I get out :) 

Sorry for any errors! Hope you all enjoyed! 

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