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Han-gyeol looked at San, thinking about how this could all be over if she just killed him right there. 

He wasn't going to put up a fight.

She could kill him, give Seonghwa to Shiber, erase Wooyoung's memories and then go about her life having gotten her revenge and control of the world.

So why couldn't she do it?

She closed her eyes, trying to will her hand to stab the other who just stood there.

If she could hurt him, even a little bit-

Wooyoung fought San, gaining some control over his own actions again, as he called San down to where he was, the demon appearing in front of him without Wooyoung having to say anything.

Is that how you just thought about it?

San looked at Wooyoung with slightly wide eyes surprised at how angry and upset he was and even more surprised at what he did.

Wooyoung didn't say anything as he grabbed San's hand, keeping him close as he walked over to where Seonghwa was, all the demons stopping to look over at them.

Han-gyeol dropped the dragger, all her feelings disappearing again as she looked at the crowd.

"Wilson, let's go home." Han-gyeol said the demon getting slammed into the ground by Seonghwa.

"Sure thing." Wilson shouted over the loud music, holding his back as he rolled onto his side.

"Sorry about all this." Wilson said, walking over to Wooyoung dusting off his clothes, Wooyoung slapping his hands off of him. 

Wilson freaked out, gulping and looking away from Wooyoung's eyes.

He was mad mad.

"Don't think you're safe here." Wilson said, sending a glare towards Seonghwa whose hair was a mess.

Wilson wanted to kill Seonghwa right then and there but if Han-gyeol said it was over, he didn't want to go against her orders and pull something like that.

"Old man, take care." Wilson said, looking up at San who slapped him upside the head. What happened to the good old days where people respected their elders?

The club went back to how it was when they first got there, no signs of the fight visible at all, the party goers oblivious to any of the events that took place. Han-gyeol and WIlson disappearing.

"Hyung you go first." Wooyoung said, letting Seonghwa walk ahead of them as he followed.

The three left the club, Seonghwa opening the front door seat for Wooyoung, going to sit in the back, watching as the other practically threw San in the front seat and closed his seat belt.

San held onto to Wooyoung's arm before he could leave, looking into his eyes that still screamed that he was angry.

"Human." San let out, Wooyoung ignoring him as he pulled away and slammed the door shut.

His heart was still beating like crazy and his mind was a mess.

His demon was about to get murdered right in front of him like what seconds ago? 

Wooyoung got into the driver seat slamming his door shut too, letting his head fall onto the steering wheel.

San almost died and he wouldn't have been able to do anything if San didn't let him. How serious was all of this? He didn't want to butt into any one's business but this was becoming his business too.

Wooyoung sat up straight, turning on the car and radio as he stepped on the gas, driving out of his parking spot and onto the street. (Picture Wooyoung driving with one hand... your welcome)

San looked at Wooyoung as he drove, holding onto the car door as his human made a sharp turn onto the highway.

The three got home after breaking about 10 traffic laws, Seonghwa saying a small thank you as he got out of the car, Wooyoung getting out before San could say anything.

So much for a nice evening.

Wooyoung walked over to the passenger side, opening the door for San.

He let out a sigh, walking over to undo San's seatbelt, holding his hand as he pulled him out of the car.

San held Seonghwa's hand using his powers to get them into the living room, before they could even get into the elevator.

Wooyoung looked up at him, not being able to say anything walking past him to get to his office.

"If you don't mind me saying. You are a total idiot." Seonghwa said, looking at San as he stared at Wooyoung's open office door.

~•~•~•~ Meanwhile ~•~•~•~

"Han-gyeol you okay?" Wilson asked, once the party goers returned to their normal party. Everything was cleaned up as if the fight never happened and she had sent Changbin to a hospital for his wrist. 

"You aren't going to ask why I didn't kill him? Or at least why didn't I let you take Seonghwa?" Han-gyeol asked, walking out of the club as Wilson followed.

"There's time for that." Wilson said, throwing his hand over her shoulder to give her a small hug.

"Han-gyeol?" Shiber asked, walking out of the club's opposite exit. His hair was still wet and sticking to his forehead, Hyunyee standing next to him.

"You said you weren't going to be here." Shiber said, walking up to the other. Han-gyeol punched him in the arm once he was standing in front of her. 

"Ouch." Shiber said, holding his arm and looking up at Han-gyeol. 

"And you said you wouldn't get hurt." Han-gyeol said, hugging him. Wilson pouted Han-gyeol, pulling him into the group hug.

"You guys are so much better than them." Han-gyeol said, thinking back to San and Seonghwa.

"You still love those two shut up." Shiber said, ruffling up her hair as he broke the hug. "Why else wouldn't you tell us what Seonghwa looked like?"

"He's a doll." Wilson said, having to admit at least that much even though he hated the other. He walked over to Hyunyee giving her a hug too so she didn't feel left out as they teleported home, Han-gyeol tossing her bag onto the couch before sitting down.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Shiber asked, undoing his tie as he walked up the stairs to get into some dry clothes.

"Pizza?" Wilson suggested, hearing Shiber laugh from the bedroom.

Han-gyeol bent down, unstrapping her heels to toss them off, finding the whole night unamusing. She stopping when she heard something outside the window, holding one of her heels in her hand. She tried to predict her aim before she threw it, breaking the window and hitting the sneaky demon that was outside.

The poor demon at the window used his powers to get to Hongjoong's office, letting out a shaky breath once he thought he was safe. 

"Hi there." Hyunyee said, with a smirk watching all the color drain from the demon's face once she appeared in front of him before he could call out for Hongjoong. 

"We have guests?" Shiber asked, walking down to the living room to find someone tied and beat up all within the span of 3 minutes. 

"One that Hongjoong sent." Han-gyeol said, her eyes turning a dark red as he looked at the demon in front of her.

"Just in time too. I needed to take my anger out on someone." Han-gyeol said.

They were having a funeral after all. 


Me wrting these chapters:


Sorry for any errors ya'll :( I always double check for them but like I miss some so... anyways I hope you enjoy the drama. It's so random.

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