Everything Sucks

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Light rain was falling, as Wooyoung got out of his car putting on the hood of his hoodie over his head. 

Why his parking spot was blocked off and he had to park his car 2 streets away made it obvious that Changbin was out to get him today too.

He opened door of the backseat, finding his umbrella on the floor. The only downside was that it was broken.

Wooyoung let out a small huff blaming Changbin for that too, as he let the car door slam shut locking it before he started to walk towards his building.

He started to run once the rain started to pick back up falling heavier than this morning.

Wooyoung made it to the building just before it actually started to pour down rain, the small raindrops pounding onto the cement.

"Wooyoung you might catch a cold." San said out of nowhere, throwing a dry jacket onto his shoulders, looking down at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung stood there staring at San with slightly wide eyes as his demon pulled his hoodie hat off to fix his hair a bit.

San handed him an umbrella that worked, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving to go home.

Wooyoung blinked, staring at the place that San once stood, a few people giving him a weird look.

What just happened? 

"Hyung, is there a ghost standing there?" Jongho asked, coming up behind him, staring at the area where Wooyoung was looking at. "Can you see ghosts?"

Wooyoung looked over at Jongho, coming out of his daze, as he smiled at him.

"How did you know?" Wooyoung asked, walking over to the entrance with Jongho, who shrugged, taking a sip of his hot americano.

"I'm psychic myself." Jongho joked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

The two took the elevator, Wooyoung smiling seeing the jacket and umbrella that San had given him.

"Thank yooou." Wooyoung thought, a small blush on his cheeks thinking about the other.

"Oh, San wants to go for Hot Pot and ice cream tonight, wanna come?" Wooyoung said, remembering their plans for tonight and forgetting how much of a pain Changbin was to his existence.

"Sure! I miss you guys." Jongho said, giving himself a mental pat on the back for not slacking off yesterday. Procrastination was the enemy of unplanned hangouts.

Wooyoung side hugged him, resting his head on his shoulder for a bit, until the elevator doors opened.

"You guys hot pot and ice cream tonight? Wooyoung is paying." Jongho announced, as they walked over to Yunho and Mingi's desks, Yeosang sitting on Yunho's lap.

"HECK YEAH!" Yunho yelled in joy, throwing his hands in the air. Yeosang covered his ears, a smile on his face. 

"MAKE THAT A DOUBLE HECK YEAH!" Mingi yelled, running to give Wooyoung and Jongho a hug, Yunho and Yeosang joining them.

"San is coming too right?" Yeosang asked, Wooyoung nodding. "Good, I can invite Hongjoong." 

"Always thinking about Hongjoong." Jongho said, with a small sigh. 

"He has a friend with him that you all should meet." Wooyoung said, thinking about Seonghwa.

"The more the merrier!" Mingi said, jumping up and down a bit.

Yunho jumped up and down a bit too, his smile falling when he saw Changbin walking towards them.

The five of them stopped, breaking the hug as Changbin walked over to Wooyoung shoving a series of files into his face. 

"Save this shit for later and get to work." Changbin said, motioning Wooyoung to follow him.

Yunho held Mingi back, as Jongho was about to yell at the guy, Yeosang calming him down. 

"If Changbin gets punched it wasn't me." Wooyoung said, confessing to punching Changbin in advanced, following him to their office.

"Yeah it was me." Mingi said, making Wooyoung smile a bit.

The four of them all went back to work, Yunho plopping onto his seat Changbin having ruined everyone's day with his shenanigans.

"Don't let him get to you." Mingi said, putting his hand on Yunho's shoulder giving it a small squeeze. 

"You were the one who wanted to slap him." Yunho said with a small smile, reaching out to hold Mingi's hand. 

Yunho turned to his computer, his eyes falling on someone he thought he wouldn't see for a while. He patted Mingi's hand,  getting up and catching up to the guy in no time.

Yunho held his wrist, making the other turn around. 

"Is there something you need?" The guy said, looking at Yunho, his voice a quieter than usual. 

"For you to get Changbin under control." Yunho said, looking down at the guy whose short black hair covered his eyes. "He's being an ass again."

"I'm guessing he made you his role model." Yunho added on, not breaking eye contact.

The guy looked to the side, his hands now in his pocket as he let out a sigh.

"I can't tell him what to do." The guy said, turning around to walk away only to have Yunho come to stand in front of him.

"Han-gyeol." Yunho said, his tone being the only thing that hinted at the fact that he was mad.

"Fine." Han-gyeol said after what felt like forever. "I'll tell him to spot picking on Wooyoung." 

"Good." Yunho said, walking past him to his seat. 

"Only if you got out for a drink with me!" Han-gyeol shouted, the whole office looking in there direction. Yunho stopped turning around to look at him. 

"This guy." Yunho mumbled, knowing he did it on purpose. 

Han-gyeol smirked, watching Yunho grab his coat and car keys not saying anything else as he left, walking past him. 


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