He back so I'm getting my butt kicked

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As much as Wooyoung wanted to fight back, it was pretty hard to do it when he was being choked.

So he did what he could do best in the situation and kicked the demon in the balls and stumbled off the bed, grabbing his bed-side table lamp to slam it over the Changbin wanna be's head before using whatever was left of his oxygen to call out for San.

He was sad to see his lamp go but it was the least he could do after he was rudely lifted from his window seat and slammed onto the bed a few moments ago.

"You know that surprisingly hurt a lot more than I would have expected." The demon said, his hand over his head.

Before Wooyoung could respond, San had already wrapped his hand around the guy's throat, sending him flying out the window shortly afterwards.

"You okay?" San asked, placing his hand on Wooyoung's shoulder making him flinch, when he saw another San right behind the other one.

Why were there two Sans?

He took a moment smiling at the San in front of him being utterly confused at the situation, before he saw the red eyes that the other San had and knew 100% that was his San.

And that was when Wooyoung snapped, punching the demon in front of him in the stomach and sending him flying into his dresser, before getting on top of him and punching him once more in the face.

"First, I'm in a group with Changbin, then I can't even have feelings for anyone because of him, and one freaking night I try for it to be peaceful y'all pull this." Wooyoung said, looking up at San who's eyes were the reddest that he had ever seen.

San walked over to him, double checking for any injuries beside the obvious bruise on his neck, before glaring at the demon that was on the floor.

"Excuse me, human." San said, using his powers to pick up the demon, fixing the bedroom, and bringing the poor cat inside before disappearing.

"San no earthquakes!" Wooyoung shouted, the cat jumping into his arms and cuddling up against him.

San huffed, hearing Wooyoung and pouted a bit, as he looked down from the roof. 

"Then no Changbin for you either." San thought, shaking his head, as he looked at the demon in front of him who was blue from the lack of air.

A cold breeze surrounded the two as he looked down at the city below him.

"That's a long fall down." San stated, shoving the demon into the railing so that he was dangling off the edge. "Maybe 30 stories?"

"Your majesty, listen, this isn't my fault, sir please I had no idea." The demon said, getting as much air as he could before he couldn't talk again.

"A demon who plays mind games and can be two people at the same time?" San asked, already taking a portion of the other's powers.

"WAIT WAIT! I CAN GIVE YOU INFORMATION PLEASE DON'T DO THIS." The demon said, begging San who dogged a blow to the head by stepping to the side.

"My patience is much less than my human, did you know that?" San said, now looking at the two demons in front of him. "And I don't remember taking care of you last time right?"

"You're getting old and let's try it out." The demon said, throwing a punch in San's way who just dogged it and broke the demon's arm without a single problem.

"And what were you born yesterday?" San said, watching the demon stumble and hold his arm in pain.

"How about this? We split the guy. You have him on Tuesday's and then I can have him the rest of the week?" The demon proposed, that being the last words he spoke that night since he got his lips torn off by San.

"The information?" San said, his red eyes making the two demons freeze in their place. "You can keep your other half this way since you lost your mind games."

The two demons looked at each other, one of them pulling a letter out of his coat pocket with his non broken arm.

San smiled, pushing both of them off the roof, using his powers to drop the letter at Hongjoong's before walking inside to the bedroom to see Wooyoung who was sitting criss crossed on the bed.

"Are you okay human?" San asked, making Wooyoung look up at him with a smile and the cat in his arms.

"Thanks for my lamp and dresser." Wooyoung said. "And thanks for coming."

"Did you think I wouldn't?" San said, a bag of ice flying in the room as he sat next to Wooyoung on the bed, the cat jumping into San's lap.

"Maybe." Wooyoung said, taking the ice pack to put on his neck, watching as another one flew in and floated on the other side of his neck.

"Those two were-" San began, getting a pillow thrown at his face as the cat laughed at him.

"Sleep please." Wooyoung said, with a laugh of his own laying down on the bed with ice packs around his neck. "Not at Hongjoong's but here okay?"

San sighed, pulling the blanket over Wooyoung as he lay down next to him the cat coming to cuddle with Wooyoung.

"Good night San." Wooyoung said, with a smile. Sometimes tomorrow just needs to come a little faster.

"Good night human." San said, a slight blush on his face, confused as to what the heck this whole night was. 


idk how to write and sorry for not responding to your amazing comments ya'll :( 

Ya'll the best! 

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