Whatcha planning?

496 33 11

The day flew on by, Yeosang and Hongjoong having come over to go out for a much needed ice cream and walk around town break after what had happened the night before. Even Yeosang who had his memories erased. 

The only problem was that San wasn't coming.

"You aren't coming?" Wooyoung asked, a bit surprised at the words coming out from the others mouth.

"I'm meeting up with someone." San said, smiling a bit. " You three go ahead. I'll join you later. "

Wooyoung bit his lip for a split second, his expression changing from a happy one to a worried one.

Meeting with someone? Who? San didn't know anyone did he? Or... was it the lady on the bus?

"Why did I fall asleep?"  Wooyoung thought, mentally slapping himself a few times. "Who is it? Wait why are am I even worried!? I'm not jealous or anything but-"

"Oh really? Who are you meeting up with?" Yeosang asked, knowing by Wooyoung's reaction that he wanted to ask the same thing. 

"Just an old friend." San smiled, pushing the others out the door. 

For an old friend he was definitely in a rush to get them all out of the house.  

San gave Hongjoong a look that said you better take care of them, Hongjoong nodding with a small smile taking the others out the door.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Wooyoung asked. "You don't know Seoul that well and I might be able to help."

"Thank you but it's okay." San said, walking out the door with them. "You go have fun." San, said, patting Wooyoung's back before disappearing soon after.

Wooyoung wanted to call San back but Hongjoong placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be fine." Hongjoong said. "Now let's get ice cream!" 


"Han-gyeol." A low voice said, breaking his peaceful silence. 

Han-gyeol looked up from his book to find San standing in the living room of his house, wearing the trench coat that Wooyoung had worn the night he had possessed him.

Symbolic and a preview of how their conversation was going to go that evening.

Han-gyeol pretended not to be surprised, enjoying what little was left of his silence while it lasted, as he got up to invite San to sit down.

"Don't act like you aren't surprised." San said, unbothered, not accepting the invitation. "It really has been a long time."

Han-gyeol let out a long sigh. San had been awake that night when he visited/possessed Wooyoung. Great.

How did he always manage to miss a step when it came to San?

"What do you want?" Han-gyeol asked, watching as San took a few steps closer to him, knowing exactly what the other wanted. 

"Where is the demon that hurt Wooyoung?" San said, calmly, his eyes starting to glow green. 

Han-gyeol grew a bit tense as he looked at San. Glowing eyes meant one super mad demon. 

"He's right in front of you." Han-gyeol said, not looking away from San's eyes.

"And the other one?" San said, stopping once they were a few feet away from each other.

"Why should I tell you? " Han-gyeol said, now wanting Shiber to come home. That fight would be entertaining and San being in this state... well he wouldn't last long. 

Han-gyeol stopped breathing his head growing dizzy as he tried to stay conscious. Shesh San was really a pain in the neck when he was mad but this was on a different level.

"Call him here." San said, watching as Han-gyeol slowly turned blue. He let the other breath a bit, Han-gyeol having enough time to make the demon that San wanted appear next to him.

"Han-gyeol what the heck we discussed this before! I could be in the bathroom or something like give me a heads up before you go around summoning me everywhere! Or a raise for Hell's sake." Wilson said, not realizing how grim the situation was before turning around to see San.

"Oh hey it's you." Wilson said, looking at the other. "Why are you here though?"

San looked at Han-gyeol, making him drop to his knees as he used his powers to possess him. Demons were not allowed to possess other demons but San made an exception.

"Where's the real one?" San asked, watching as Han-gyeol grabbed his head wanting to scream but he couldn't breathe. He wasn't in the mood for games. 

"Hey buddy, calm down. Who are you looking for?" Wilson said, getting down to help Han-gyeol as best as he could. He used his powers, transferring some of the pain the other was feeling to himself to help make it less painful for the other as he tried to talk it out.

"Where is the demon who hurt Wooyoung that night?" San repeated himself, his tone still calm as he watched as the other tried his best to stay stop the pain. Hongjoong had already taken care of the other one so it wasn't at the stop of the list of people San needed to watch.

"Hyunyee? You don't have to worry about him, he's not a big threat- you can take him out in one go if y-you want to." Wilson said, feeling the worst headache that he had ever felt in his lifetime while also leaving out the part about how Hyunyee wasn't considered one person and had many many identities. 

San sighed, not wanting to waste anymore of his time integrating these two since his mint chocolate ice cream was waiting for him at the ice cream shop that Hongjoong, Yeosang, and his Wooyoung went too. He wasn't here to argue anyways. 

San leaned down coming face to face with Han-gyeol as he looked into his eyes, the green glow reflected back to him.

"If you try anything like this again, that would be the last thing you ever do." San said, sending the two demons flying into the air and through the roof, letting them smash into the ground,  causing a large dent to form in the pavement, before disappearing into thin air. 

"That was going easy on us?" Wilson said, when he finally could breath around 10 minutes later, his arm and body broken. "I could feel my spine in my throat and it's not nice."

Wilson fixed himself up sitting up straight as he tried to move his arms. His heart sunk as he looked at Han-gyeol who hadn't woke up yet, his body crushed by the force of the impact. (When you watch too much of the Seven Deadly Sins and it shows in your writing)

"Han-gyeol?" Wilson asked, shaking the other who opened his eyes to look up at him. "You gave me a HEART ATTACK what the heck!"

Han-gyeol looked at Wilson and then up at the sky. Wilson sat down next to him sizing up the amount of dirt they needed to cover up the hole. Maybe they could make it a swimming pool? 

Wilson was about to propose the idea when Han-gyeol let out a small chuckle sending shivers down the demon's now thankfully not in his mouth anymore spine.

"He was never quick to show his emotions like that." Han-gyeol said, surprised at how much San had changed in such a short time.

"I want to see Wooyoung's reaction to him too." Han-gyeol said, getting up, and for the first time in 1,987 years feeling some form of excitement.

He looked up at Wilson who was staring at him with giant eyes, not knowing that the other demon could even chuckle let alone want anything in his life.

"Where's Shiber right now?" Han-gyeol asked. Wilson pointed behind him as the other turned around to look at Shiber who was looking at the two slightly ticked.

"I have a plan." Han-gyeol said. 


I decided to go back to naming the chapters since numbers aren't really my thing :) 

I really hope you enjoy the multiple updates! I'm scared I won't have time to write after break so I'm trying my best to spoil you all in case there is an update drought. 

Sorry for any errors ~

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