Blind Date

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San couldn't help but pout hiding it slightly as he sat in the backseat, looking at the scenery outside. Wooyoung was tapping his feet, staring out the window next to him.

He was thinking about ways he could get out of this date without having to face Jongho later. 

He could fake a meeting? Fake a bellyache? Ask San to take to him?

Wooyoung broke out of his thoughts, San's hand coming to hold his, making him stop fidgeting.

"Don't worry human. Jongho wouldn't pick a bad person for you." San said, with a small smile looking at him.

"I'll personally send him to the depths of hell if he tries anything." San said, trying to be reassuring. "But I know I don't have to."

Wooyoung laughed, looking down and trying to hide his smile.

"I can also make his coffee extremely bitter, or if you'd make an exception to your no earthquake rule-"

Wooyoung broke out into a fit of laughter. San was really salty about not being able to punch other demons wasn't he?

"It'll be a small one." San said, smiling as Wooyoung looked up at him. San pulled his hand away, Wooyoung's smile dropping a bit as he missed the touch.

"Are you going to be okay?" Wooyoung asked, making San turn around to look at him again.

"I'll be perfectly fine human, I respect your feelings and your- well partly your decision to go on this date." San said sincerely. 

"Heart please shut up. Let him be." San thought, trying to shush the pain that was growing in his heart. 

Wooyoung's smile fell, laughing at himself, hearing San. 

His demon was a good actor. 

He looking down at his phone, when San looked away, going to his call log checking the last number that Jongho had called.

He clicked on it, his thumb hovered over the message button, as he looked up to make sure that no one was looking before messaging him.

Mingi pulled into the parking lot, switching the car off as he turned around to look at the passengers.

"Okay everyone, we'll be in the same café, on the other side trying not to act like we're totally stalking Wooyoung or staring at them." Mingi began.

"Someone will sit at the table behind Wooyoung and keep an eye on the conversation and leave once Wooyoung gives the all okay for this guy." Yunho went on.

"WE WON'T NEED THAT! He's a great guy and a great friend to me!" Jongho said, defending Wooyoung's blind date.

Everyone in the car looked at him for a moment in total silence.

"Hongjoong will go in as a barista and take them their drinks. Yeosang will be the second barista taking them cake and double checking mid way through the date." Mingi began again.

"Oh my god." Jongho whined, rolling his eyes.

"Jongho you're staying far away right? And one person will be stationed on the table beside them." Yunho finished, undoing his seatbelt and getting out of the van.

Mingi looked at his crush smiling. The guy really didn't know how to plan well.

His smile dropped, thinking back to the guy he disappeared with for the whole afternoon. 

"I really don't think he needs all this." Jongho huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ear pieces."  

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